Volume No. 1 Issue No. 27 - Friday August 30, 2002 |
Dominican Serves as Project Manager on Off-Shore Platform
Servicing Oil Rigs in the South China Sea
 by:Thomson Fontaine
years, Dominicans have migrated to the far reaches of the Globe and have built careers in every conceivable profession. In the process, building a solid reputation for hard work and selfless commitment.
The Dominican was intrigued to learn of a young Dominican doing his country proud in the far reaches of the China Sea, where he serves as a Protective Coating Specialist with BP Amoco (Formerly British Petroleum) and attached to the South China Sea Business Unit in the Yacheng 13 Gas Field.
Born in the village of Castle Bruce and raised in Massacre, Carlton Dangleben is a former student of the St.Mary's Academy and a former member of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force.
In early 1989, he migrated to the USA (Texas) in search of the American dream like many before him. Shortly after arriving in Houston (Texas), he began employment in the Oil and Gas Industry as an apprentice and worked his way forward in various fields including protective coatings and industrial welding.
Always looking for opportunities to better himself, he soon enrolled in various vocational certification programs geared towards the oil and gas industry, which earned him certifications in Industrial Welding, Industrial Welding Inspection and Metallurgy, Industrial Coatings application, Industrial Scaffold Inspection, Industrial Scaffold Construction Trainer, Osha Safety Inspection, Hazardous Waste Management, and International Protective Coatings Inspector From the National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
Mr. Dangleben has served as a volunteer instructor at San Jacinto College (Houst. Tx), where he instructed on the Wheels of Learning for Industrial Painters with emphasis on Corrosion Control by Protective Coatings.
As Protective Coating Specialist in the Yacheng 13 Gas Field, Mr. Dangleben is responsible for the prevention and control of corrosion on offshore platforms and gas receiving stations in Hong Kong and Hainan Island, P.R.China.
He also serves as a Project Manager and is actively training Chinese and Vietnamese Nationals in the field of Corrosion Control. Mr.Dangleben is also involved in writing procedures and guidelines in his field that serves as a benchmark through BP Amoco and the Peoples Republic of China.
While not occupied with his duties on the platforms outside China, Dangleben is busy with his involvement in the Dominica Houston Association, where in 1995 he was instrumental in getting the association started.
He headed the organization for the first three years as its president and played a key role in writing the constitution, and in helping the association achieve Non Profit status and eventual Incorporation.
His greatest hope is that all Dominicans will find the zeal within them to uplift themselves by always striving to be the best in whatever they aspire to do. However, he is disappointed that many Dominicans who migrate to the US quickly settle for much less than they are capable of achieving.
Editors Note:Interestingly enough, there are scores of Dominicans employed in the offshore oil and natural gas sector. They are employed as technicians, instrument readers, maintenance and repair personnel etc. In fact, so widespread is the involvement of Dominicans in this sector that one employee told me that if oil were someday discovered in the waters of Dominica, there would be enough skilled Dominicans to assemble, operate and maintain the oil rigs.


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