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Volume No. 2 Issue No. 12 - Monday September 10, 2007
Joanne Skerrett’s “Letting Loose” is a sunny escape to the Nature Island
Letting loosea novel by Joanne Skerrett
Amelia Wilson is a harried Boston schoolteacher, burnt out on unruly students and an inadequate public school system. An e-mail relationship with what seems to be the perfect man leads her to a tiny Caribbean island she’s never heard of before. Her goal is to find romance. And Dominica presents the perfect backdrop with its lush beauty.
But once there, Amelia finds an island full of contrasts: overwhelming natural beauty amid material poverty; a proud people -- welcoming yet wary of outsiders. Amelia is also surprised to find that as an African-American she still feels like a minority on an island of people who share her skin color and ancestry.
And the man of her dreams may be hiding some secrets that make him not-so-perfect after all. So, will love triumph and weave together all of her doubts into a happily ever after?
Joanne Skerrett is a native Dominican and proud alum of the Dominica Grammar School. She is a third-year law student at the University of Pennsylvania. Her
previous novels, She Who Shops and Sugar vs. Spice
were published by Kensington Publishing Corp. She is a
former editor who has worked for the Chicago Tribune
and Boston Globe.