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Volume No. 1 Issue No. 83 - Wednesday June 21, 2006
Dr. William E. V. Green:A Dominican Medical Doctor Remembers
Zeeshan Mohammed

In Medical Anecdotes, Experiences and Observations in a Medical Practice, Dominican-native Dr. William E. V. Green recalls from brief, but otherwise neatly packaged stories from his days as a medical student to his days spent practicing medicine in Dominica. As Dr. Green confesses in his introduction, a doctor "hears and sees all sorts of things"; in return, these provide the 'anecdotes, experiences and observations' in Dr. Green's latest book.

This is book is a first of its kind, as Dominica's history under British rule was one where few local doctors were trained, and even fewer saw fit to write of their practices. Now, the record of local medical doctors can benefit from this insightful report from one who overcame great odds and material resource limitations, to be of service to his people.

This contribution fills in a blank space where it pertains to the life of the 20th century Dominican medical professional, in a manner which benefits students, researchers and the casual reader.

Written a la a combination of Reader's Digest "Amusing Anecdotes" and "Humor in Uniform," Dr. Green's anecdotes can be best described as, "some amusing and sad." Gathering anecdotes from experiences as a medical student in Belgium, internships in Jamaica and in the U.S.A., and life as a practicing M.D., Dr. Green deals with language barrier struggles, and unusual and far from typical patient-doctor testimonies.

His stories range anywhere from glimpses into the life of medical student in a foreign land to interesting and often strange tales with all sorts of people. The doctor encounters both reputable and seedy patients, patients with peculiar abnormalities that dish out hilarious excuses (one patient denies the discovery of pregnancy), and medical irregularities written in a style sure to entertain, but not disgust, those without medical degrees.

The soon to be octogenarian provides easy to read contents that provide the reader with light, enjoyable stories with occasional puns. Never pessimistic and always interesting, Dr. William E. V. Green presents a book with a anecdotal humor, warmth, and wit. An entertaining and informative read, Dr. Green's work pays a fine compliment to the world of Dominican letters.

Copies may be obtained at island bookstores or on online at

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Volume No. 1 Issue No. 81
Dominica V Switzerland
Lakschin- Dominica's Ambassador
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Disneyfication of Caribbean
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