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Volume No. 1 Issue No. 93 - Monday February 19, 2007
Alarmed at Influx of Chinese Immigrants
Bernard Hurtault

I am alarmed at the lack of attention being paid to the influx of Chinese immigrants to Dominica and particularly with the extensive purchase of prime Dominican land and property. Are we simply sitting by and allowing our country, our precious homeland, to be sold out from under us?

Are we destined in the near future to be second class citizens in the home of our birth? When do we start to sit up and take notice? When do we start to be alarmed and call those responsible for this pending calamity to be accountable to us?

Every country where a large Chinese minority population has arisen soon had their economic and land ownership structure been taken over and run by the Chinese. This has caused much social unrest, polarization and local deprivation (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, to name a few).

This network has been directly responsible for much of the growth of China by their investments back in the mainland. The strategy even has a name - �Greater China - meaning China and it satellites controlling communities around the world. Why are we sitting by and allowing this to happen to us!

Beyond that, China is now moving aggressively into the west. Is our leadership and society to na�ve to see that China is now similarly attempting to break into the western hemisphere and establish political and social influence in competition with the US, and see the Caribbean islands as soft targets for penetration.

Think about the political and economic influence China would enjoy in this hemisphere by controlling the economies and societies of nations so strategically placed vis-�-vis the US (and do not think for a second that the new immigrants will not come well funded to rapidly control the economy and natural resources � would be curious to trace the source of funds for these immigrants).

We should be alarmed and so should the US. And yet we sit by and sell our heritage and island for stadiums, a few pennies and some quick cash to a few local land owners! Look throughout the Caribbean and see the pattern.

Do you think it is a coincidence? No - China is reaching out to reproduce the dominant influence that it has in Southeast Asian society and we are strategic targets. We are already in deep and I just heard that 30,000 new Chinese citizenships are being requested in return for the stadium. Lord help us!!! 30,000new Chinese Dominicans!

We have to do something about this. Dominica will soon slip out of grasp � sooner rather than later.

Editor�s note: There are conflicting accounts of the number of new immigrants being requested, ranging from 3 000 to 30 000. We have been unable to verify this allegation and are seeking clarification from the authorities.

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Volume No. 1 Issue No. 92
Gaffe over visa rule
History of Zouk
2007 Queen contestants
Dominica comback
Dame Eugenia inheritance

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