Sunday, February 21, 2010

St Mary’s Academy launches US $15 000 project to purchase new furniture Newsdesk

The Parent Teachers Association of the St Mary’s Academy have launched the ‘1000 Old Boys Project’ aimed at raising US $15 000 to purchase new furniture for the school.

Old boys of the learning institution have been asked to each contribute US $15 or EC $50 towards the project. The aim is to get 1 000 old boys to each make this minimum contribution towards the effort.

The 78 year old academy is one of the leading educational institutions in Dominica and this latest project is just part of a larger plan to improve the quality of learning.

Another important component of this new thrust is the setting up of a Hall of Fame in the school. Past students who have done well in various fields will be honored in a way that will encourage current school goers to strive for excellence.

Organizers of the project are also encouraging former students to contribute ideas and suggestions that can be used in helping draft a strategic initiative for the school.

To contribute to the fund, persons are asked to go to SMA PROJECT to do so via PayPal. Suggestions and ideas on the strategic initiative should be emailed to Frederick Baron at [email protected].

More information on the project is available in this audio recording done by radio with Frederick Baron .
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I would certainly encourage the old boys to participate. Please if you know of an old boy forward this message to them and let us do this together; give back to a school that gave so much to us!!!

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