Sunday, April 26, 2009
Prime Minister Skerrit reacts favorably to Dominica international conference
By Newsdesk
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has reacted favorably to the hosting of the Dominica International conference held in New York and called on conference organizers to forward concrete proposals coming out of the conference to his government for further consideration.
In a letter forwarded to the organizers a day after the event the Prime Minister wrote:
“ Congratulations on your conference. I actually listened, and some of
it I did not agree with, however, because all of us want to advance Dominica I would like the opportunity to look over your proposals.”
“We all have to play our part in our country's development. Thank you for having such a dialogue, which shows that democracy is well respected by all of us.”
Hopefully we all can work together, no matter what party we belong to, where we live or how old we are. I believe it is necessary that we all participate in Dominica's growth and development.
Government can only do so much. I do hope that you will note the several consultations we have been having on several issues, particularly the recent ones on the budget process where all the political parties have been invited with only the DFP showing up.
The Government and the Dominica Labour Party regret that we were not invited to the conference.
Once again thank you and I look forward to your concrete proposals. “
Roosevelt Skerrit
Prime Minister
The conference , which was held in New York drew hundreds of participants with thousands following the proceedings, which was carried live by Q95 FM and over the internet via audio and video.
Several dozen calls, and hundreds of e-mails and messages were sent in by persons anxious to have their say in the historic conference. Organized under the progress and unity banner, participants heard from a group of distinguished panelists from the Diaspora including Shirley Allan, Dr. Sam Christian, Gabriel Christian, Thomson Fontaine, Ken Vital, Hendrix Pierre and Lennox Linton.
Leader of the opposition United Workers Party Ron Green and Deputy Leader of the Dominica Freedom Party Michael Astaphan also addressed the conference. Fred Syms, Joan Bellot, John Maynard, and Lynton Scotland facilitated the conference.
The conference called for a renewed effort on the part of the Diaspora to join forces with residents of Dominica to help bring about an improvement in the economic prospects for Dominica. There were also calls for good and accountable government, and the need to ensure freedom of the press, and free and fair elections.
With regards to economic development the conference focused on the need to harness Dominica’s renewable and natural resources including geothermal energy, water resources and fertile agricultural land for the advancement of the Dominican people.
Direct contact will be established with community groups and other grass roots organizations to help push forward the agenda of the conference. Meanwhile, the organizers called on Dominicans living in the Diaspora to register their specific skills with the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences DAAS at to ensure that their particular expertise can be called upon to help in the development process.
The conference was organized under the banner of Unity and Progress for Development. Persons are encouraged to visit to register their support and to be a part of continuing to work towards Dominica’s development.
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Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has reacted favorably to the hosting of the Dominica International conference held in New York and called on conference organizers to forward concrete proposals coming out of the conference to his government for further consideration.
![]() Organisers of the conference with Opposition Leader Ron Green and Michael Astaphan of the Dominica Freedom Party. |
In a letter forwarded to the organizers a day after the event the Prime Minister wrote:
“ Congratulations on your conference. I actually listened, and some of
it I did not agree with, however, because all of us want to advance Dominica I would like the opportunity to look over your proposals.”
“We all have to play our part in our country's development. Thank you for having such a dialogue, which shows that democracy is well respected by all of us.”
Hopefully we all can work together, no matter what party we belong to, where we live or how old we are. I believe it is necessary that we all participate in Dominica's growth and development.
Government can only do so much. I do hope that you will note the several consultations we have been having on several issues, particularly the recent ones on the budget process where all the political parties have been invited with only the DFP showing up.
The Government and the Dominica Labour Party regret that we were not invited to the conference.
Once again thank you and I look forward to your concrete proposals. “
Roosevelt Skerrit
Prime Minister
The conference , which was held in New York drew hundreds of participants with thousands following the proceedings, which was carried live by Q95 FM and over the internet via audio and video.
Several dozen calls, and hundreds of e-mails and messages were sent in by persons anxious to have their say in the historic conference. Organized under the progress and unity banner, participants heard from a group of distinguished panelists from the Diaspora including Shirley Allan, Dr. Sam Christian, Gabriel Christian, Thomson Fontaine, Ken Vital, Hendrix Pierre and Lennox Linton.
Leader of the opposition United Workers Party Ron Green and Deputy Leader of the Dominica Freedom Party Michael Astaphan also addressed the conference. Fred Syms, Joan Bellot, John Maynard, and Lynton Scotland facilitated the conference.
The conference called for a renewed effort on the part of the Diaspora to join forces with residents of Dominica to help bring about an improvement in the economic prospects for Dominica. There were also calls for good and accountable government, and the need to ensure freedom of the press, and free and fair elections.
With regards to economic development the conference focused on the need to harness Dominica’s renewable and natural resources including geothermal energy, water resources and fertile agricultural land for the advancement of the Dominican people.
Direct contact will be established with community groups and other grass roots organizations to help push forward the agenda of the conference. Meanwhile, the organizers called on Dominicans living in the Diaspora to register their specific skills with the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences DAAS at to ensure that their particular expertise can be called upon to help in the development process.
The conference was organized under the banner of Unity and Progress for Development. Persons are encouraged to visit to register their support and to be a part of continuing to work towards Dominica’s development.

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Bravo Skerro; you realize the importance of working together with all Dominicans and stop this nonsense of selling our birth rights!
I hope that the conference came up with concrete proposals as to how the Diaspora can raise some meaningful resources for investments in Dominica so as to create much needed employment.
We in Dominica do not need a talking partnership we need meaningful action. For example after seven hours of talk during the conference I sincerely hope the conference was able to concretely come up with proposals to create at least 100 new jobs in Dominica with financial resources comming from the diaspora.
Let us see concrete results on the ground and let us all stop the talking.
We in Dominica do not need a talking partnership we need meaningful action. For example after seven hours of talk during the conference I sincerely hope the conference was able to concretely come up with proposals to create at least 100 new jobs in Dominica with financial resources comming from the diaspora.
Let us see concrete results on the ground and let us all stop the talking.
This is great! I am so hapy that this conference is bringing all Dominicans together. I love that the Prime Minister is willing to review the proposal. He is right, We all have to play our part...he is definitely right. Dominica is for all of us. We all have to help in her development. Bravo Skerro!!!! I LOVE YOUR LETTER.
Who is the master of CON conning? He boasted on the attack show that if Gabu needed a psychiatrist he could serve him as he's got a degree in psychology. Here he goes. Does not he have the Diaspora Policy paper submitted years ago? What is preventing him from finding it and giving it action? NO con games Skerro. You see you cannot fight that one. Those who are naive will believe and trust you NOT ME! SAH!
Skerrit is so excited about the conference, there is a Minister for the Diaspora and he could not grace the conference with his presence...Is something "wong fu" here? Tell us fan chu moon!
I think that after Skerrit listened to the conference, he realized that this is not a Skerrit bashing event, but a Dominica's progress event which is great for the counrty as it makes us all responsible for a progressive Dominica. I look forward to playing my part.
Sometimes we have to put all our differences aside and unite for progress. I think that is exactly what this conference was about. Why should we disqualify where PMs request, and how can we win the support of all if the labour party leader is not involved? Are we to say that we are all hypocrites, calling for unity when infact we want to shun those who want to hold hands? I was one of those who was ETREMELY skeptical about the conference, I ended up watching it online, and felt that wow, we can help forward Dominica. I was part of the people on the Marigot Reunion committee and we worked hard, from a grassroots level, and got things done. We know that government have limited resources, and we did not want to bring our begging cups. We helped our community and have set up a very effective development fund. Dominicans, we can help change our country no matter who is in power. COME TOGETHER AND LET'S ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES TO WORK HARD. Get your skills registered, get your rolodex out, call your friends and family, and let's work.
Sometimes we have to put all our differences aside and unite for progress. I think that is exactly what this conference was about. Why should we disqualify where PMs request, and how can we win the support of all if the labour party leader is not involved? Are we to say that we are all hypocrites, calling for unity when infact we want to shun those who want to hold hands? I was one of those who was ETREMELY skeptical about the conference, I ended up watching it online, and felt that wow, we can help forward Dominica. I was part of the people on the Marigot Reunion committee and we worked hard, from a grassroots level, and got things done. We know that government have limited resources, and we did not want to bring our begging cups. We helped our community and have set up a very effective development fund. Dominicans, we can help change our country no matter who is in power. COME TOGETHER AND LET'S ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES TO WORK HARD. Get your skills registered, get your rolodex out, call your friends and family, and let's work.
Mr. Editor how could you let this juvenile behavior and total disrespect for our people by our sorry, morally corrupt and inept and juvenile PM escape you? Why did you choose to post Skerrit's letter on your website? Is this journalism or have you provided another forum for this man to spread his nonsense.
I say this was a huge error in judgement on your part. This man must be bragging to his friends that Fontaine is now in his back pocket just like Crazy Tee and the others. This is a slap in the face of all those who worked soo hard to organize this conference.
Where was Crispin? Where was the Minister for Diaspora Affairs? Did Vince order Crispin to stay away from the conference? One cannot help but to feel sorry for Crispin having to to deal with that 'crew' who has power in Roseau. Skerrit is nothing but a little boy who came to power because of the unfortunate deaths of two PMs.
He claims that he was not invited- and he sends a letter of congratulations....such juvenile behavior by our so called leader-well by the man who occupies the office of the PM. He claims that Gabo and Sam are starting riot in Dominica-------because they are saying in no uncertain terms that DA belongs to Domincans and not to him and his crew an foreign pals.
No one should waste their time and send anything this guy. The expectation of this sorry PM was that the conference would be a flop. Now that he realized that he was wrong he is sending a surrender flag under the banner of unity....Please Mr. it.
This is sickening. This conference maybe is a taste of things to come for this man before the elections which he may call in July before his court date in the BVI in Septmember.
Dr. Fontaine don't be be fooled by this little boy--you know better and our people and country deserve better. There must be a God above!!!!!!!!
I say this was a huge error in judgement on your part. This man must be bragging to his friends that Fontaine is now in his back pocket just like Crazy Tee and the others. This is a slap in the face of all those who worked soo hard to organize this conference.
Where was Crispin? Where was the Minister for Diaspora Affairs? Did Vince order Crispin to stay away from the conference? One cannot help but to feel sorry for Crispin having to to deal with that 'crew' who has power in Roseau. Skerrit is nothing but a little boy who came to power because of the unfortunate deaths of two PMs.
He claims that he was not invited- and he sends a letter of congratulations....such juvenile behavior by our so called leader-well by the man who occupies the office of the PM. He claims that Gabo and Sam are starting riot in Dominica-------because they are saying in no uncertain terms that DA belongs to Domincans and not to him and his crew an foreign pals.
No one should waste their time and send anything this guy. The expectation of this sorry PM was that the conference would be a flop. Now that he realized that he was wrong he is sending a surrender flag under the banner of unity....Please Mr. it.
This is sickening. This conference maybe is a taste of things to come for this man before the elections which he may call in July before his court date in the BVI in Septmember.
Dr. Fontaine don't be be fooled by this little boy--you know better and our people and country deserve better. There must be a God above!!!!!!!!
Mr Fountaine
Can you post a photo of the attendees at the conference. I was made to understand that there were less than 50 persons in attendance. I would admit many persons including myself listened. To me it sounded much like another political rally.
Mike must understand to win election in Dominica a party must win eleven seats. Skerrit and the Labour Party is very safe, extremely safe in thirteen constituencies no matter how you look at it.
Skerrit and Labour is winning the next election whenever it is called very easily. This is going the easiest election for labour in Dominica.
In the following constituences the Labour Party do not have to do any campaining. Grand Bay, Petite savanne, Roseau South, Sofourier, Roseau North, Mahaut, Colihaut, Portsmouth, Cottage, Vieille Case, Paix Bouche. If elections were to call today Skerrit and Labour winning a minimum of Seveenteen Seats. Trust my word this is the reality on the ground.
Can you post a photo of the attendees at the conference. I was made to understand that there were less than 50 persons in attendance. I would admit many persons including myself listened. To me it sounded much like another political rally.
Mike must understand to win election in Dominica a party must win eleven seats. Skerrit and the Labour Party is very safe, extremely safe in thirteen constituencies no matter how you look at it.
Skerrit and Labour is winning the next election whenever it is called very easily. This is going the easiest election for labour in Dominica.
In the following constituences the Labour Party do not have to do any campaining. Grand Bay, Petite savanne, Roseau South, Sofourier, Roseau North, Mahaut, Colihaut, Portsmouth, Cottage, Vieille Case, Paix Bouche. If elections were to call today Skerrit and Labour winning a minimum of Seveenteen Seats. Trust my word this is the reality on the ground.
Now that the conference is over, one must wonder if it will have any political implications. My question to Mr. Christian is whether his group endorses any political party since his main objective is to get rid of the corruption in this Labour party government. If Mr. Christian is as honest as he says he is, he needs to make it clear whether he or any member of his group plans on running or forming a new political party. We need to know the honest truth since you guys are the poster child for clean and honest government.
Mr. Fountain, please get us an answer. We need to know because this certainly will put things in perspective for those of us who are still confused.
Mr. Fountain, please get us an answer. We need to know because this certainly will put things in perspective for those of us who are still confused.
Who really cares what the numbers were? The DETRACTORS! You see, now that the Conference was a Major success, as acknowledged by none other than Skerrit himself, the DLP detractors are attacking the numbers. BILLIONS listened and were engaged and involved in a BIG way. Dominicans, who really are the ones that matter here, were engaged in a BIG way. Let the DETRACTORS gripe about how many people attended. Let them send "Congratulatory" letters. Who are they fooling? I too am disappointed that Skerrit's so call letter of concession got such wide publication. Why did he not have an official representative at the Conference? That, my brothers, speaks VOLUMES! Great conference. We know where we are going from there. It can only be one clear direction away from graft, bribery, sinful governance, Selling our country to foreigners, Dictatorship, CORRUPTION. As the calypsonian says "Foward we GO!"
Where is this unity. Obviously, Mike you are upset because the PM took a bi partisans approach to this conference. I think that any TRUE DOMINICAN would be happy with this initiative. Why all the bickering? If the PM had not responded you guys would have complained even more. So just accept his letter, and let by guns be by guns. Time is too precious to waste time saying who should have had headlines and who did not and that the PM is a little boy. By the looks of his actions he seems more grown up than most of you and your immature comments.
You guys are just a bunch of frauds who may have had your own agenda for this conference. I was there in the Bronx, I had some great Bouden, accra, sorrel, goat water, bakes and codfish. I was able to contribute my 2 cents to the discussion and my financial contribution. I will not dwell on the negative stuff at the conference, but look forward to all the positive ideas. I love my people and I will forward my name, email and skills to whoever wants it.
You guys are just a bunch of frauds who may have had your own agenda for this conference. I was there in the Bronx, I had some great Bouden, accra, sorrel, goat water, bakes and codfish. I was able to contribute my 2 cents to the discussion and my financial contribution. I will not dwell on the negative stuff at the conference, but look forward to all the positive ideas. I love my people and I will forward my name, email and skills to whoever wants it.
In Mr. Fontaine's defense, I resent the negative approach towards him. He is a respected economist, a great, patriotic Dominican. The strength of Mr. Fontaine's journalism is his ability to be pragmatic and unbiased. There was no reason for him to keep this letter from the Prime Minister of Dominica a secret. This is the final puzzle to the Unity and Progress dialogue. All the other parties were represented, so why can't the Prime Minister's opinion about this dialogue be made public.
I think that the bitterness should not be with Mr. Fontaine, but with the organizers for not inviting the Prime Minister to the event, where all the other parties were represented by their leaders. This was definitely unfair. If you guys are so "pro Dominica" and "patriotic" as you claim to be then this should not be an issue, and you would embrace Dr. Fontaine's effort for his continued unbaised journalism. He has always been diplomatic and staright forward. Why were you guys not so harsh on him last week about the diplomatic piece he did, when trUly he exposed a practice in Dominica that was going on for years through many heads of government? WhY publishing a Prime Minister's response to an event that marks a milestone in the future of Dominica is seen as poor taste in Journalism? Come on Dominicans don't contradict yourselves.
I think that the bitterness should not be with Mr. Fontaine, but with the organizers for not inviting the Prime Minister to the event, where all the other parties were represented by their leaders. This was definitely unfair. If you guys are so "pro Dominica" and "patriotic" as you claim to be then this should not be an issue, and you would embrace Dr. Fontaine's effort for his continued unbaised journalism. He has always been diplomatic and staright forward. Why were you guys not so harsh on him last week about the diplomatic piece he did, when trUly he exposed a practice in Dominica that was going on for years through many heads of government? WhY publishing a Prime Minister's response to an event that marks a milestone in the future of Dominica is seen as poor taste in Journalism? Come on Dominicans don't contradict yourselves.
Hurrah to My PM.
You have demonstrated great statemanship in spite of all the unfounded criticisms leveled at you.
Long live PM Skerrit. That is unity at heart.
You have demonstrated great statemanship in spite of all the unfounded criticisms leveled at you.
Long live PM Skerrit. That is unity at heart.
To Hurrah Mr. Skerrit person.. You have to be one of the regular attendees of the Wednesday Red Clinic. Yeah this is how the dictators do it, make people dependent on them to the state of blindness.. Do you need a walking stick? you must be blind, death and utterly DUMB!! What will you do when the RED CLINIC is no more?
Mike and his likes have demonstarted their hatred for our hardworking Prime Minister, by their puerile partisan comments - I imagine much to the delight of some of Mr. Skeritt's bitter and arrogant critics, who are out to destroy him simply because he would not dance to their tune. Maybe they would want to replace him with someone who they can manipulate. There are some who believe that Mr. Green falls in that category!
The vicious attack on Dr. Fontaine for having the PM's letter to the organizers published on website is a reflection of the hypocrisy of Mike and his allies who in one breath talk about the need for "freedom of information act" and "privatization of DBS Radio (a euphemism for creation of another Q95)" and in the same breath call for the "suppression of information" and "censorship" of views that do not mirror theirs. Re the PM's letter, I would have thought that what Mike should have focussed on was whether Mr. Skeritt or any member of government was invited to participate in the "Unity" forum. I would want to hear what the organizers have to say about that!
And on the issue of transparency in Government; did any of the strong advocates of transparency ask the Leader of the Opposition whether he could confirm that he and his Cabinet colleagues in the former Edison James Government took a decison to lease Government lands at a ridiculously low price to a local mining concern that the same PM had a major interest in; and whether that information was ever made public while he served as a minister of government!
Also, was a decision taken at the Conference for the Christian brothers and all those who quite rightly voiced the opinion that Dominicans -at home and abroad shold have the opportunity to invest in the exploitation of the country's natural resources, to explore as a priority investment the harnessing of wind and solar energy, or in the processing of agricultural products; or are they waiting for Govrnment to lay out the capital as occurred with the Soufriere geothermal project. As far as I know, there are no impedements to the exploitation of wind and solar energy. In fact, there are attractive fiscal incentives for such investments. Also, what about investment in a multi-purpose food processing enterprise - which was identified by various spokespersons for agri-based community organizations as something most desirable for the stimulation of the agricultural sector. I am sure that DEXIA and the Ministry of Agriculture would colaborate enthusiastically with potential investors from the diaspora by developing strategies to produce the necessary volumes of produce required to ensure profitability of such a venture.
Alas, what the "UNITY" conference seems to have done was to provide an outlet for malcontents and egotistical power-seeking elements, intent on launching "a grass-roots political movement". This is what was evident as I listened to the proceedings.
The vicious attack on Dr. Fontaine for having the PM's letter to the organizers published on website is a reflection of the hypocrisy of Mike and his allies who in one breath talk about the need for "freedom of information act" and "privatization of DBS Radio (a euphemism for creation of another Q95)" and in the same breath call for the "suppression of information" and "censorship" of views that do not mirror theirs. Re the PM's letter, I would have thought that what Mike should have focussed on was whether Mr. Skeritt or any member of government was invited to participate in the "Unity" forum. I would want to hear what the organizers have to say about that!
And on the issue of transparency in Government; did any of the strong advocates of transparency ask the Leader of the Opposition whether he could confirm that he and his Cabinet colleagues in the former Edison James Government took a decison to lease Government lands at a ridiculously low price to a local mining concern that the same PM had a major interest in; and whether that information was ever made public while he served as a minister of government!
Also, was a decision taken at the Conference for the Christian brothers and all those who quite rightly voiced the opinion that Dominicans -at home and abroad shold have the opportunity to invest in the exploitation of the country's natural resources, to explore as a priority investment the harnessing of wind and solar energy, or in the processing of agricultural products; or are they waiting for Govrnment to lay out the capital as occurred with the Soufriere geothermal project. As far as I know, there are no impedements to the exploitation of wind and solar energy. In fact, there are attractive fiscal incentives for such investments. Also, what about investment in a multi-purpose food processing enterprise - which was identified by various spokespersons for agri-based community organizations as something most desirable for the stimulation of the agricultural sector. I am sure that DEXIA and the Ministry of Agriculture would colaborate enthusiastically with potential investors from the diaspora by developing strategies to produce the necessary volumes of produce required to ensure profitability of such a venture.
Alas, what the "UNITY" conference seems to have done was to provide an outlet for malcontents and egotistical power-seeking elements, intent on launching "a grass-roots political movement". This is what was evident as I listened to the proceedings.
Well Anonymous if you believe in the PM then you will support thim. Obviously I don't as do many independent minded Dominicans. The reasons are clear--he is corrupt and dishonest and thinks DA is his playground. Can you please tell him that he is being watched very closely- that's all you need to know for now.......
Yes he may win the next election to the detriment of our island home. Yes money from ALBA will win the next election in all likelihood.
In the meantine, please say a prayer for Dominica. The worst is yet to come.
Yes he may win the next election to the detriment of our island home. Yes money from ALBA will win the next election in all likelihood.
In the meantine, please say a prayer for Dominica. The worst is yet to come.
Mike, you have failed to address the substantive issues which I raised; and you have gone back to exposing your fixation on negatives. How do you expect Dominicans to unite around your Skeritt-bashing and Fontaine-bashing?
Are you prepared to continue denying that there are some good things happening in Dominica - under the Skeritt administration?
You have not indicated that you are willing to invest in something positive that would advance Dominica.
Are you prepared to continue denying that there are some good things happening in Dominica - under the Skeritt administration?
You have not indicated that you are willing to invest in something positive that would advance Dominica.
The "MIKEING" writer who so profusely praises Skerrit is clearly misguided and lost in a dark sea of bovine stupidity. He must pause and tell us what true progress in the life of Dominicans has been realized under this Skerrit administration. What is the National Debt? What are the unemployment figures? What is the status of our health and Police facilities? Why has Agriculture failed under Skerrit? Bananas DOWN, Dasheen DOWN! Everything GONE DOWN! What is the "MIKEING" writer boasting about? He must be having it all at the RED CLINIC and thus gives not a dam to the general development of Dominica. Winning an election is one thing, but giving effect to policies for growth and development is another. What is our policy on tourism? Agriculture? Alternative energy? Blabalah does not cut it "MIKEING" man! This CORRUPT regime MUST GO!
O.K. Domicnhen listen up. Well we kinda screw up. When we organize the conference we thought that the PM was consistantly going to act like a little boy, immature and stupid, and not have anything to do with it. We really did not expect that loyalty to Dominica stuff. However the plan backfired he actually responded favourably and that really pisses us off. Between you and me, we honestly did not care that much about the unity, God bless Dominica, and we want to work as one to build Dominica. That was just a know. We truly wanted to make the PM look so bad that we would have enough stuff to say about him for the rest of eternity, but unfortunately he love Dominica and wanted to put all differences aside to work together. Boy I fex!! Anyway people, stay tuned. We will let you know plan B. Hopefully you all come along for the ride, and please people participate. The more people that send emails, listen online, and come to our fnctions, the better we look. Side note next time we host an event in your city, have some respect people and show up. I mean come on, we had all these top notch journalists from Dominica, the leader of the opposition, the leader of the freedom party and only 64 people sho up. What is this, you guys taking us for pappy show. Well all I have to say is stay tune for plan B. We want to do something that the PM cannnot respond positively to, we will see to it that he does not, and if he did you all will nNEVER hear about it.
Sorry for being so upset. I hope you all understand. Garcon nous fachet.
Sorry for being so upset. I hope you all understand. Garcon nous fachet.
Garson nous fachet person, what are the chinese putting in your food in Dominica to make you that sort? This is a political ploy from Skeritt and we know it, he doesn't give a damn about what was siad and done in NY. He is tring to divert the attention from the messages to his reply. He has done that beofre with the Diaspora Policy paper that is stiing somewhere maybe in Venezula for 6-7 years. This is POLITICAL straegies.. Before the conference Lorene Bannis was on air talking about th DRAMA conference they are having in NY. None of them attended although they were invited. But when they saw the impact that this conference had in Dominica and around the world. It rattled their feathers so Skeritt was ADVISED to come out in support of it.. We not not as stupid as you whoever you are. Fontine is absolutely right to play Skeritt's game aganist him. The game of Chess begins! Go plant your own food and stop eating what the Chinese grow for you, and stop attending that red clinic. They are stripping you of all your dignity, and making you a slave once more.. Stop being a mental slave open up your mind and your eyes THINK!! for Heaven's sake! THINK!
Garcon nous fachet person, can we say that this is the end of the "unity conference". If they are making it so political then do you think people will still attend?
Please may we never forget that the call is for a better Dominica. Se for nous tout venir asselm avec au seule voix pour potagege Dominique.
Bon Dieu beni Dominique
Please may we never forget that the call is for a better Dominica. Se for nous tout venir asselm avec au seule voix pour potagege Dominique.
Bon Dieu beni Dominique
All I can say is that the "unity conference" has further divided and dis-united Dominicans. While the conference was a very good idea, better would have been served if All the Polictical Parties Government and civil soceity were invited.
What was the reason to leave out the Government and The Dominica Labour Party
What was the reason to leave out the Government and The Dominica Labour Party
This is the very reason why I say that all voices must contend. Mike would not want me to reprint the PM's response, yet he is quite happy to use the same forum to blatantly disrespect the PM. What about the name calling? No matter what your differences are you must respect the office. Mike seem unable to make a reasoned statement without resort to 'foolish' platitudes and childlike adjectives.
This is our biggest failing in DA. The inability to separate the personal and professional. God help us!
This is our biggest failing in DA. The inability to separate the personal and professional. God help us!
If they were interested they would be represented. THEY WERE INVITED and I know that FOR SURE. The government was invited and anybody who says otherwise is LYING to the CORE. In any event, Skerrit has doorcrashed events to which he was not invited: Today he doorcrashes into Lybia with Nanthan and the boys -UNinvited. He doorcrashes into Venezuela begging for Petro Caribe houses UNinvited. He doorcrashed into CUBA for "SURGERY" UNinvited. He was INVITED to the UNITY Conference and DID DID DID NOT attend. He FAILED to send a representative. Not even the Hon Minister for the DIASPORA! Not even the Hon Crispin Gregoire. Not even Babara (whatever her high excellent positon may be?). Had NOTHING to do with invitation. He does have the Diaspora Policy Paper. I the interest of Unity and support of the Unity Conference unearth it. Why does he need any more paper to DO what he needs to do. WHY? Let the "MIKEING" contributer respond!
Look disunity!!! That conference cause more division than anything else. Isn't it strange that the unity conference began with Gabu spitting venum? What a shame... Dominicans, can't we all just get along:)?
Hopefully this will put the fallacy that representatives of the Government and the lobor party were nt invited to the conference. But even if the truth is beamed into our eyes some of us trun the other way and pretend we can't or don't see it..
Please note thet the same letter was sent to all the other political parties. Mr. Rivere acknoledged recepit and sent us his apologies for not being able to attend, Mr M. Astaphan represented the labor party, Mr. Green represented the UWP, MR. Gregoire advised us that he was travelling and could not make it. The Labor party represntative Tony Astaphan ignored my request outrightly. And these are the FACTS!
Invitation to Unity and Progress for a Better Dominica Conference
From: Shirley Allan
Sent: Thu 4/16/09 6:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
1 attachment
Unity and...doc (22.9 KB)
Dear Mr. Greogire,
Please find attached an official invitation for the Unity and Progress for a Better Dominica Conference.. We do apologize for the lateness due to reasons you are aware of.
Again I stress that we will be honored by your presence.
Unity and Progress for A Better Dominica
2561 White Blvd
Naples, Florida 34117
239) 424-0284
Email Us:
[email protected]
HE Crispin S. Gregoire
Ambassador of the Commonwealth
of Dominica
800 Second Avenue
Suite 400 H
New York, NY 10017
Dear Hon. Gregoire,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to extend a formal invitation; we would like your party to participate in the upcoming Unity and Progress Coalition of Dominica Conference.
The theme of this conference is "Unity and Progress for A Better Dominica” The conference will be held at the United Church of Jesus Christ 3936 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466 (718-881-447) In New York , April 25, 2009.
For your information there will be a panel discussion addressing issues such as the economy, the current issues facing Dominica, and escalating social pressures facing our youth. I will forward the program to you in the next couple of days so that you can know what specific subjects will be covered by the other speakers.
We expect attendance to be significant, and have the conference broadcasted live to various locations around the world. This includes Canada, England, Dominica, and others.
We would be pleased and honored if you would be take this opportunity to join us as we move towards a better Dominica for all.
Yours sincerely,
Shirley Allan
Executive Secretary
Unity and Progress for A Better Dominica.
Tel. # 678-519-1992 Home
240-421-4161 Cell
[email protected]
Invitation to Unity and Progress Conference
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:23 PM
"shirley allan"
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Hopefully this will put the fallacy that representative of the labor party and current Government was not invited to the conference to rest. But most times even if the truth is shining a beamlight into our eyes, we look the other way and pretend not to see it.
[email protected]
Mr. Astaphan,
I need your help please. Unity and Process for a Better Dominica is hosting a conference in NY on April 25th. I know it is short notice, but we only finalized everything yesterday, and wanted to make sure that everything was in place before extending invitations. Under our unity banner we thought it best to invite members from all political parties to attend. To this end we would like to officially send out an invitation to the labor party who happens to be the current Government, could you please advise who this invitation should be addressed to? I have no idea.
Posted By Shirley Allan
Please note thet the same letter was sent to all the other political parties. Mr. Rivere acknoledged recepit and sent us his apologies for not being able to attend, Mr M. Astaphan represented the labor party, Mr. Green represented the UWP, MR. Gregoire advised us that he was travelling and could not make it. The Labor party represntative Tony Astaphan ignored my request outrightly. And these are the FACTS!
Invitation to Unity and Progress for a Better Dominica Conference
From: Shirley Allan
Sent: Thu 4/16/09 6:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
1 attachment
Unity and...doc (22.9 KB)
Dear Mr. Greogire,
Please find attached an official invitation for the Unity and Progress for a Better Dominica Conference.. We do apologize for the lateness due to reasons you are aware of.
Again I stress that we will be honored by your presence.
Unity and Progress for A Better Dominica
2561 White Blvd
Naples, Florida 34117
239) 424-0284
Email Us:
[email protected]
HE Crispin S. Gregoire
Ambassador of the Commonwealth
of Dominica
800 Second Avenue
Suite 400 H
New York, NY 10017
Dear Hon. Gregoire,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to extend a formal invitation; we would like your party to participate in the upcoming Unity and Progress Coalition of Dominica Conference.
The theme of this conference is "Unity and Progress for A Better Dominica” The conference will be held at the United Church of Jesus Christ 3936 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466 (718-881-447) In New York , April 25, 2009.
For your information there will be a panel discussion addressing issues such as the economy, the current issues facing Dominica, and escalating social pressures facing our youth. I will forward the program to you in the next couple of days so that you can know what specific subjects will be covered by the other speakers.
We expect attendance to be significant, and have the conference broadcasted live to various locations around the world. This includes Canada, England, Dominica, and others.
We would be pleased and honored if you would be take this opportunity to join us as we move towards a better Dominica for all.
Yours sincerely,
Shirley Allan
Executive Secretary
Unity and Progress for A Better Dominica.
Tel. # 678-519-1992 Home
240-421-4161 Cell
[email protected]
Invitation to Unity and Progress Conference
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:23 PM
"shirley allan"
Add sender to Contacts
Hopefully this will put the fallacy that representative of the labor party and current Government was not invited to the conference to rest. But most times even if the truth is shining a beamlight into our eyes, we look the other way and pretend not to see it.
[email protected]
Mr. Astaphan,
I need your help please. Unity and Process for a Better Dominica is hosting a conference in NY on April 25th. I know it is short notice, but we only finalized everything yesterday, and wanted to make sure that everything was in place before extending invitations. Under our unity banner we thought it best to invite members from all political parties to attend. To this end we would like to officially send out an invitation to the labor party who happens to be the current Government, could you please advise who this invitation should be addressed to? I have no idea.
Posted By Shirley Allan
Shirley your organization clearly had an anti-government anti-Skerrit tone.
Good thing is Dominicans in DA are not buying into the nonsense you guys do in NY. If you love DA so much, please come down to DA.
We need you people developing DA, not the USA.
Good thing is Dominicans in DA are not buying into the nonsense you guys do in NY. If you love DA so much, please come down to DA.
We need you people developing DA, not the USA.
You are entitled to your opinion my brother or sister, one of the things we want to bring awareness to in Dominica is the idea of disagreeing agreebly, but many, many people will disgree with you. As for you suggesting that Dominicans who are living outside of Dominica should not be concerned about what is happening in Dominica and should not make their contribution to their homeland. This is so, so, so backward. I am sure you think that the Chinese love of country more than we do. This is the kind of ignorance we want to shine the light on, and do what we can to rid our people of. Tell me how one can discuss the cuurent issues without referencing the current GOv. If wecan show us how to do that, then we probably won't even mention the name of Skerrit or his Government. You are wrong on so many counts. Give it some serious thought before you post another reply. THINK!
Here goes Train again singing for his food.......You will also die for Skerrit once he is in power and can give you a JOB and a hand out Train--The second he is out of power Train you gone!!!!!!!!!!running fast as you can!!!!! can you dig it my friend Train? I can partner.....
O.K. Shirley, are you kidding me. From the lloks of your letter, you seem extremely unorganized. You are inviting dignitaries to an event that late. I mean come on. Less than 9 days before the evnt you expect people to cancel all their plans and drop whatever they are doing to come to New York. This is why the turn out was poor. It is not because Dominican people were not interested, but because you reached out to them at the last minute. People may have already responded to other events. At your next event please organize it a little earlier. Give people ample time to make arrangements and other plans. This will guarantee better involvement from the community at large.
Shirley come on. Is that how you invite the government, especially the PM? You should have called me and asked me to pass on the message. That is not very professional. Invitations should have been sent directly to the PM just as they were sent to the leaders of the UWP and DFP. This wasn't the correct way to do it, in my opinion. This group is supposed to be a professional organization so act accordingly. My advice to you is to take more time to organize. The turn out is a testament to level of organization.
I would like you to see you and yoursput out something of this magnitude in 3 weeks!!But we welcome constructive criticism. We will consider your professional advice for the next time around. Just so you know this is the reason I asked Tony for the contact info. I don't have the PM's info in my rolerdex and since Tony is his representative I found it appropriate to ask him for the contact. Make all the excuses for the PM if you like. Cricize us as much as you like, we are big people we can take it.
Gosh, why would I want to be part of such an unorganized, unprofessional group? This is absolutely absurd. Are you guys really serious? Oh my gosh! This invitation is more than shocking. This is how you invite a Leader of a Party to an Event, much less the Prime Minister?: nine days notice, through someone else, unproffesional, uncoordinated. Next time, if there will be a next time, cause from the looks of this letter count me totally out, please be more diplomatic. WOW! You should have a conference on professionalism and organizing.
o.k. enough of the bickering. shirley, i am extremely surprised that you invited the pm in this manner and expected him to come. the pms information is the most public in dominica. if someone had asked me to find ron greens contact information for a million dollars, i would be broke for life, the same oes for mr. michael astaphan. all you had to do was to call 411 and ask for the pms office, if he is not present he has a secretary answering his calls. you stand a better chance of reaching him in this manner than through tony astaphan.
from the looks of this "invitation"it seems that you really did not want him to be present. This may have been poor judgement on your part, who knows. i guess this is all part of a learning process and we all learn from our mistake. the good thing is that the pm listened like many other dominicans from the comfort of his home, and did not spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tax payers money to come to such a conference. amybe next time you should consider having everyone come on virtually. i honestly did not see much use to have all this "dignitaries" present in such a horrible economy.
Be more organized next time.
from the looks of this "invitation"it seems that you really did not want him to be present. This may have been poor judgement on your part, who knows. i guess this is all part of a learning process and we all learn from our mistake. the good thing is that the pm listened like many other dominicans from the comfort of his home, and did not spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tax payers money to come to such a conference. amybe next time you should consider having everyone come on virtually. i honestly did not see much use to have all this "dignitaries" present in such a horrible economy.
Be more organized next time.
[email protected]
Mr. Astaphan,
I need your help please. Unity and Process for a Better Dominica is hosting a conference in NY on April 25th. I know it is short notice, but we only finalized everything yesterday, and wanted to make sure that everything was in place before extending invitations. Under our unity banner we thought it best to invite members from all political parties to attend. To this end we would like to officially send out an invitation to the labor party who happens to be the current Government, could you please advise who this invitation should be addressed to? I have no idea."
Posted By Shirley Allan
Shirley, please take down this "invitation" letter, I feel somewhat uncomfortable with this. I was one of those calling the Prime Minister a liar for saying that he was not invited, and even criticizing him for being so blantantly dishonest in the public's eye, however, after reading your letter, I have a total change of heart. I am ashamed. How can you help forward Dominica, and you do not know who Dominica's Prime Minister is? This is basic Social studies _ who the leader of the Labor party is. I mean, even my British grown kids know the answer. You do not have to be a brain surgeon to know the answer to this question.
FYI, if I had gotten such an invitation I would have never, never attended. This is not because I am pompous, however, I feel less welcome. I have to agree with the other posters, you should have been more professional. See whether you can delete the letters you forwarded to the invited members, as it is making you look really bad as the secretary.
[email protected]
Mr. Astaphan,
I need your help please. Unity and Process for a Better Dominica is hosting a conference in NY on April 25th. I know it is short notice, but we only finalized everything yesterday, and wanted to make sure that everything was in place before extending invitations. Under our unity banner we thought it best to invite members from all political parties to attend. To this end we would like to officially send out an invitation to the labor party who happens to be the current Government, could you please advise who this invitation should be addressed to? I have no idea."
Posted By Shirley Allan
Shirley, please take down this "invitation" letter, I feel somewhat uncomfortable with this. I was one of those calling the Prime Minister a liar for saying that he was not invited, and even criticizing him for being so blantantly dishonest in the public's eye, however, after reading your letter, I have a total change of heart. I am ashamed. How can you help forward Dominica, and you do not know who Dominica's Prime Minister is? This is basic Social studies _ who the leader of the Labor party is. I mean, even my British grown kids know the answer. You do not have to be a brain surgeon to know the answer to this question.
FYI, if I had gotten such an invitation I would have never, never attended. This is not because I am pompous, however, I feel less welcome. I have to agree with the other posters, you should have been more professional. See whether you can delete the letters you forwarded to the invited members, as it is making you look really bad as the secretary.
Mr. London again I say this is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Read what the letter says. I didn't say I don't know who the Prime Minister is. I am surte you will find other reasons to call the PM a blatant liar, you really don't need this one. Just so you know who ever attended the conference attended on the basis of this very same letter. No matter how bad the lltter makes me look as a sceretary, it got the people who wanted to be at the conference to the conference. Thanks again for your advice I will conmsider your suggestions for the next time around, and besides EVERY DOMINICAN WAS INVITED if the people in labor party wanted to be there, they would be there. We welcome ALL constructive critism, it helps us gorw.. Thank you again. I am sure you heard how successful the conference was. It was a wonderful achievement for Unity and Progress for a better Dominica. I letters met the objective most of the people they were sent to were present. There is no red herring that will take the focus away from the issues at hand
I also followed protocol and sent the invitation to his excellency Gregoire in the consulate in NY, as the representative of the Dominican ruling party. The consulate office should have informed the Prime Miniter of the meeting. In addition my intention for asking Mr. Astaphna the Goverment legal counsel/PR for the contact information was to ensure that someone from the party would be present.
Shirley Allan
Shirley Allan
To all the red clinic attendees on thios blog who are here to defemd Skeritt, leave Shirley and Fontaine and the Christain brothers alone.. The ltter that was sent to Greogire at the Embassy in NY was the offical letter if you understand what the protocol is.. Shirley did nothing wrong and that stupiness of suggesting that she does not know who the PM of Dominica is is the downright shameful accusation.. Stop grabbing at straws and in you attempt to defend Skeritt, open your eyes and your mind and see what is happening to Dominica under the Skeriit administration and think about it instead of focusing on trivial nonsense that you don;t even know about. Check the protocol of these things Shirley you did it right! The offficial invitation went to the Embassy in NY... and again Congratulations for pulling this memorable event in just three weeks time. Maximun respect to the Unity and Progress for a better Dominica team, you did well, don't mind the skeritt RED bulldogs.
Judging from tony astaphan's outburst on the Kairi FM news yesterday and this morning, all that bashing of Shirley and the organizers is totally meaningles. Skerrit decided longggg before that he was NOT going to attend the Conference no matter what. The DLP (Dominica Labour Party) had absolutely NO intention of attending the Conference. And above ALL NOTE VERY WELL the comments of collin mcintyre, the Hon? Minister for Diaspora Affairs that NO BODY FROM OUTSIDE/OVERSEAS will tell them how to run their country (words to that effect). So it is NOT about Shirley and the organizers...astaphan says it all. Check tony's blog.
LAY OFF MS ALLAN!!!!!!! The question that should be asked is why the Public Relation officer for the government, Mr Astaphan did not response to the letter he received? Who better to inform about an event than the legal counsel/PR representative for the government. Mr Astaphan failed in his duty to the Prime Minister, in that he chose to ignore a letter informing him of the event and also asking him to please provide the right person to address the letter to. Mr Astaphan should be fired for not working in the best interest of the Dominican people. His actions reflects the belief, values, character, and norms of the present ruling party.
Well....well...well...I have been reading and I congratulate the organisers for a well put, thoughtful and participatory conference. Dominica got the focus on its presenting issues and desperation for dev elopment at that conference. The presentations were thoughtful, objective and I dare say of higher quality and substance than what we hear in the House of Parliament. Our country currently lacks leadership, vision and direction and the so called money and investment coming in there is NOTHING to show for it. There is no investment and the Dominican people, even those within the PM`s circle and the Labour party are aware of what is going on. The same can be said for Mugabe in Zimbabwe, and one day we will open our eyes. Domininca is bigger than PM and this current government under the leadership of this leader has failed and disappointed us, and that is what the conference addressed and they were right to do so.The PM has lost credibility, he has thrown aside his best advisors and has resorted to medicre advisers who tells him what he wants to hear. Dominica needs a change of leadership and direction and NOW, a new direction and a new impetus towards sustainble development and investemnt. Anyone who goes about now hailing the PM as whatever is living in cloud co co land. Dominica is at a halt, we are stagnated, there is no employment, no revenue, the country is currently infected with the swine flu......God Help us
Come on my people, can you not read between the line. The Dominica Labor party never thought that there would be such an overwhelming response to the conference in New York. The government officials were on the radio station stating that the conference in New York would amount to nothing. It backfired, they now have to eat crow for the conference was a great success. So DLP instead of being so self serving and cheeky take time to consider your actions, for we have weighed you in a balance and we Dominicans find you wanting. The writing is on the wall, look around you, feel the rumble, what you fear most is upon you. DLP you lack ethical responsibility, loyalty to the people of Dominica and there is no integrity in the ranks. Be afraid, yes be very afraid.
Dr. Fontaine with all due respect it’s your prerogative to post whatever you want on your website. You claim that I don’t respect the Prime Minister. Let me explain-I respect the office of the Prime Minister but I don’t respect and have little regard for the person who is occupying that office—so please understand. You respect Skerrit and that’s your business. I don’t beause he does not deserve my respect as an independent thinking Dominican who has never asked or needs anything from Skerrit- got it?.
The fact of the matter is you know all too well that Skerrit has and continues to disrespect the Diaspora community. He played politics with you by sending the letter when he realized that the forum in NYC was a success. Politics 101. You think about it. Respect Skerrit all you want. He is your leader but I am sorry he is not mine. What about the DAAS Diaspora paper that was send to him sometime ago? You are a part of DAAS what do you think about that?
Also I have to tell you that Respect is ‘Earned it not Given’ Did you listen to the interview that ‘your respected PM’ had on the Heng radio with his pals Vince and Austrie attaching Gab and Sam- because they have the courage to question him?----He acted like School Yard Bully. What are you taking about Respect for the Prime Minister?------- ‘Come on’ Thomson – I don’t need a job or hand out from Skerrit. Respect Skerrit all you want. I hope you save that blog for the future---‘We go see’
The fact of the matter is you know all too well that Skerrit has and continues to disrespect the Diaspora community. He played politics with you by sending the letter when he realized that the forum in NYC was a success. Politics 101. You think about it. Respect Skerrit all you want. He is your leader but I am sorry he is not mine. What about the DAAS Diaspora paper that was send to him sometime ago? You are a part of DAAS what do you think about that?
Also I have to tell you that Respect is ‘Earned it not Given’ Did you listen to the interview that ‘your respected PM’ had on the Heng radio with his pals Vince and Austrie attaching Gab and Sam- because they have the courage to question him?----He acted like School Yard Bully. What are you taking about Respect for the Prime Minister?------- ‘Come on’ Thomson – I don’t need a job or hand out from Skerrit. Respect Skerrit all you want. I hope you save that blog for the future---‘We go see’
The Dominica Labour Party lack leadership. They have not provided purpose and the direction for the country and that must stop. They have failed the Dominican people. They have failed to develop our economy and improve the lives of our people. We need a government that is transparent and the talents of leaders who have the best interest of Dominica at heart.
I refuse to be part of this charade you guys are putting up. Judging from these responses here, I think that you all are completely unorganize and unprofessional. That is why Dominica will never prosper. Just a bunch of hypocrite hiding behind unity. You are calling on unity, at the same time you are discrediting the Prime Ministers take on the event. Can he have a change of heart? Isn't this what this conference is about.
Act more mature for organizers of an monumental event.
Act more mature for organizers of an monumental event.
At the end of the day, Dominica has to be in a state and stage of developement, which must be seen to be encouraged by sincere and honest LEADERSHIP. It is high time that Dominicans who will very soon pass on due to ageing, see something possitive happening in this beautiful and blessed country of Dominica eg, Crime reduction,A better future for the young and future generation,A more friendly Dominica, A better agriculture that they once knew and enjoyed doing, The begining and completion of the long awaited International Airport that people like my dear father did not live long enouth to see, and to encouragement to get overseas Dominican to return home to something.
It was very good that Hon. Skeritte sent his congratulations to the efforts of the conference in N.Y. However, I also would like to advise the our P.M, that whenever he or anyone else is congratulating our cricket or football team for winning a regional or international match, that congratulations is extended not only to the captain, but to the captain and his team, since the captain was not the only player on the team. From listening to the various prior to this event, every listener heard Dr.Gabriel Christian and Sam giving information on this program and not Dr. Fontain. Everyone must realize that in was a psychological and technical effort by Mr. Skeritte to seek to try and create a dicision friction among this important organization which many of us Dominicans hope will not happen."RESPECT AND CREDIBILITY IS NOT TAKEN OR GIVEN, IT IS EARNED. AND WHOEVER THAT CAP FIT'S, THEN WEAR IT"
It was very good that Hon. Skeritte sent his congratulations to the efforts of the conference in N.Y. However, I also would like to advise the our P.M, that whenever he or anyone else is congratulating our cricket or football team for winning a regional or international match, that congratulations is extended not only to the captain, but to the captain and his team, since the captain was not the only player on the team. From listening to the various prior to this event, every listener heard Dr.Gabriel Christian and Sam giving information on this program and not Dr. Fontain. Everyone must realize that in was a psychological and technical effort by Mr. Skeritte to seek to try and create a dicision friction among this important organization which many of us Dominicans hope will not happen."RESPECT AND CREDIBILITY IS NOT TAKEN OR GIVEN, IT IS EARNED. AND WHOEVER THAT CAP FIT'S, THEN WEAR IT"
Well well well. The Conference called to unify Dominica has achieved more disunity than there has ever been in our beautiful Dominica. If the Conference organizers really have the good of Dominica at heart I advise them to go on retreat and consider the harm that they have created to the country. Can you imagine that they have generated a bashing of Dr. Fontaine? one who more than any one of the organizers(or all of them combined) who has consistently done so much to support Dominica by making positive contributions criticzing and praising without fear or favour?.
There will be no unity unless we begin to genuinely love our country and not ourselves. God help us.
There will be no unity unless we begin to genuinely love our country and not ourselves. God help us.
When there are clear signs that a government is failing, it is the responsibility of each and every citizen to step up and vigorously search for alternative ways which can reverse the failure. The present government in Dominica has failed and is failing the people of Dominica. It is the moral obligation of every Dominican to learn about the issues affecting us and the future of our Beloved Dominica; in addition it is the moral obligation to act on the basis of what we have learned.
The policies of this present government are not serving and will not serve the best interest of our nation in the long run. We as Dominicans can no longer afford to leave our fate, the fate of our children and the future of our country in the hands of our present government. Dominicans must take back the reigns of power; take back our rivers, take back our water rights, take back our geothermal contracts, take back our birthright; our children need it, our grand children demand it, our forefathers gave their sweat and blood for it and OUR MOTHERS are weeping over it. Stop the fleecing of my people!!!!
We all must unite and come together as a movement of overwhelming force if we are to preserve the land that our forefathers gave their sweat and blood for, the land that our mothers cradled close to their breast as they nurtured love for God and country in us children. This is the only way to preserve our culture, our sovereignty and our way of life. Dominicans are being raped by the very government who they elected and this must stop! If this fleecing of our Beloved Dominica and her people continue it will be largely because we Dominicans sat idly by and allowed this present government permission to sell our birthrights to foreigners.
The path ahead for our Dominica has many challenges. In order for us to know what need to be done to set this nation on the right path for the future; we all must see that the country is headed in the wrong direction for far too long. It is time that we as a people realize that the best way that we can ensure that our values, our culture, our birthrights are not handed over to foreigners; we need to adopt measures that promote truth and transparency in government. A government for the people and by the people. We need change! We need it right now!
My fellow Dominicans we have a choice to make, we can sit and watch as our water rights are being sold, our passports are being sold to the highest bidders, our land is being sold right up from under us, our natural resources are given away, and our birthrights are handed over without a thought to our rights as Dominicans. Or we can come together in unity, with one voice and demand the stop to the sale of our resources, the prostitution of our birthrights and the sacrilegious pillaging of our fore parents’ memories.
In making a choice to put a stop to this injustice we would incur your moral obligation to build this beautiful country of ours and preserve the future of our Beloved Dominica.
The policies of this present government are not serving and will not serve the best interest of our nation in the long run. We as Dominicans can no longer afford to leave our fate, the fate of our children and the future of our country in the hands of our present government. Dominicans must take back the reigns of power; take back our rivers, take back our water rights, take back our geothermal contracts, take back our birthright; our children need it, our grand children demand it, our forefathers gave their sweat and blood for it and OUR MOTHERS are weeping over it. Stop the fleecing of my people!!!!
We all must unite and come together as a movement of overwhelming force if we are to preserve the land that our forefathers gave their sweat and blood for, the land that our mothers cradled close to their breast as they nurtured love for God and country in us children. This is the only way to preserve our culture, our sovereignty and our way of life. Dominicans are being raped by the very government who they elected and this must stop! If this fleecing of our Beloved Dominica and her people continue it will be largely because we Dominicans sat idly by and allowed this present government permission to sell our birthrights to foreigners.
The path ahead for our Dominica has many challenges. In order for us to know what need to be done to set this nation on the right path for the future; we all must see that the country is headed in the wrong direction for far too long. It is time that we as a people realize that the best way that we can ensure that our values, our culture, our birthrights are not handed over to foreigners; we need to adopt measures that promote truth and transparency in government. A government for the people and by the people. We need change! We need it right now!
My fellow Dominicans we have a choice to make, we can sit and watch as our water rights are being sold, our passports are being sold to the highest bidders, our land is being sold right up from under us, our natural resources are given away, and our birthrights are handed over without a thought to our rights as Dominicans. Or we can come together in unity, with one voice and demand the stop to the sale of our resources, the prostitution of our birthrights and the sacrilegious pillaging of our fore parents’ memories.
In making a choice to put a stop to this injustice we would incur your moral obligation to build this beautiful country of ours and preserve the future of our Beloved Dominica.
Well well well. The Conference called to unify Dominica has achieved more disunity than there has ever been in our beautiful Dominica. If the Conference organizers really have the good of Dominica at heart I advise them to go on retreat and consider the harm that they have created to the country. Can you imagine that they have generated a bashing of Dr. Fontaine? one who more than any one of the organizers(or all of them combined) who has consistently done so much to support Dominica by making positive contributions criticzing and praising without fear or favour?.
There will be no unity unless we begin to genuinely love our country and not ourselves. God help us.
ANSWER! No they should not retreat! No retreat no surrender, the struggle continues.. As for the suggestion that this conference caused disunity among the Dominican people, if this is the case. We need to examine the real cause of the disunity.. Dominicans my plea to you my people is to open your eyes, your ears, your mind, see what is happening to our beloved country.. They want to kill the messengers, but please DO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE MESSAGE. If we fail to act now, in the next ten-15 we shall regret it. The virtuous and the viligant shall be victorious.. Do not allow yourselves to be folled once again by the political theaterics.. Remove your blinders, think my people, think of 10-15 years to come.. Take what is givwen to you at the red clinics but think about where it is coming from and WHY it is given to you! Surly it is not coming from Skeritt's bank account! Who is providning the money for that? adn WHY? is it because they love you? No it is because they want to take what you have from you without you even noticing what is being done to you.
There will be no unity unless we begin to genuinely love our country and not ourselves. God help us.
ANSWER! No they should not retreat! No retreat no surrender, the struggle continues.. As for the suggestion that this conference caused disunity among the Dominican people, if this is the case. We need to examine the real cause of the disunity.. Dominicans my plea to you my people is to open your eyes, your ears, your mind, see what is happening to our beloved country.. They want to kill the messengers, but please DO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE MESSAGE. If we fail to act now, in the next ten-15 we shall regret it. The virtuous and the viligant shall be victorious.. Do not allow yourselves to be folled once again by the political theaterics.. Remove your blinders, think my people, think of 10-15 years to come.. Take what is givwen to you at the red clinics but think about where it is coming from and WHY it is given to you! Surly it is not coming from Skeritt's bank account! Who is providning the money for that? adn WHY? is it because they love you? No it is because they want to take what you have from you without you even noticing what is being done to you.
Why all the bitterness? Obviously this event was not meant to be a unity conference. I guess after all, I should not kick myself for not listening online.
It is time for Mr. Skeritt and his band of mercenaries to go! Tony Astaphans is nothing but a crook and parasite raping the state and enriching himself. This is a morally, spiritually and intellectually bankrupt crew. I can't wait to see the back of this government. There is no hope for D.A. under the leadership of Mr. Skeritt.....the man is not only dishonest, he is highly corrupt too. Enough is enought, let us send Mr. Skeritt a loud message next elections and boot him out of office.
MY heart bleeds and cries for a land and a people that have become so politicised,that it's sickening.DOMINICA comes before Mr Skeritt,WHAT ABOUT DOMINICA? What about love of COUNTRY AND SELF FIRST?WHERE IS THE UNITY AND PROGRESS? WHERE IS THE SENSE OF PURPOSE?
What is the gripe with this last writer? Writing I love Dominica, and seeking to stifle FREE thought fearing that it will weaken our efforts to devlop our country is silly. When evil is rampant in a country one should NOT turn a blind eye,period! Do Republicans (say O'Riley, Limbaugh)and Democrats (say Jessie Jackson) love America? Is their love and patriotism questioned because they express opposition to American persons and their policies? Why should Dominicans be judged with a different measure. Why should an expression of fundamental disagreement with a person or a policy mean less love for country! When an educated man like collin mcintyre,from a noble family utters insensitive tribalist hatred for Dominicans living overseas, HE MUST be condemned, and his utterance MUST be condemned, and his GOVERNMENT too without retreat. And I LOVE Dominica!
My friend, Dominica needs leadership at the very helm of its governnace and administration and there must be sound people there to guide us and who shows the level of maturity, leadership, guidance, vision so that we as a people know where we are going, so that when we are prepared to work in our repective villages it is part of that vision, that bigger picture. Villages are dead, there are no development, the people have no guidance, they sit about waiting for handouts with no development plans in place. The government just talks and parade on GIS promoting actinities not develpoment that should make a difference. The PM is a t the helm so he has to take responsibility for what is NOT happening in our dear country. Who ever else may come and they appear to also fail us we have to do the same. These guys came in and took us and Dominica for a ride, their objetcive was to suatain themsleves with wealth as Dominica bleeds and yearn for development. Nothing wrong in amassing wealth but not at the expense of Dominica, we are suffering. So my friends, it is not a persobnal attack, this is real, go wlak in the corridors of government departments, and you will see the expressions of civil servants you will feel and hear their frustrations. Open you eyes and look beyoond the man and think dominica. The conference was not one that divided us, but it woke us up to the reality of the situtation, some people unfortunately are still asleep.
OH DOMINICA, I could not agree with you more. This was a great opportunity for all Dominicans no matter what their political persuasion are to come together and help build our country. This was an opportunity to put diffrences aside and "hold hands" working together. Obviously there was another agenda, because if the Labor party acknowledged your event in a positive manner, and said that they are willing to work together with this unity organization, then why are you "the organizers" taking offense to it. I find this very sickening and down right ignorant. As a firnd of mine has referred to all as crabs in a barrel. I honestly see the resemblance. That is why we WILL NEVER PROGRESS. We don not know how to work togethr to get results done. The other person made reference to O'Reily, well I just have to let you know that I sometimes listen to his commentaries and he love the Republican party, but at the same time he can give credit where it is due.
Why can't we be more civilized and be more objective. If the Prime Minister is doing things that we do not like, then if he is part of the "rebuilding process" then he may able to address the issues that he may be responsible for, and we will be closer to getting results. Unless if there is a different agenda to exclude him and the Labor party from the process completely.
When this event was brought to my attention, I was extremely excited about the prospect for a better Dominica, especially economically. I have always wanted to retire back home and I felt that this event was going to be able to help make it easier for Dominicans to go back to Dominica and invest. I envisioned having a non governmental organization overseeing investment ideas that returning Dominicans may bring before them, and streamlining the process of establishing a business and making it easier for them. I also envisioned an organization that would help improve the technological landscape in Dominica, and helping to ensure that every child has access to the internet, among meny other projects.
However my excitment has fizzled and I am faced with this burning question. How can we Dominicans trust another dialogue about Dominica's progress, if our involvement will be shut out or undermined? It is very dissappointing. If I were the organizers, and I am not sure what has been already done to recreate that "unity" that they were bragging so much about is to send a letter to the Labour Party and a public letter to every Dominican asking them that they are willing to put differences aide and accept the participation of every Dominican. This can be AMAZING for our country. It can speak volumes. This is the mature way to deal with this.
God Bless Dominica ALWAYS, no matter who is at the helm.
Why can't we be more civilized and be more objective. If the Prime Minister is doing things that we do not like, then if he is part of the "rebuilding process" then he may able to address the issues that he may be responsible for, and we will be closer to getting results. Unless if there is a different agenda to exclude him and the Labor party from the process completely.
When this event was brought to my attention, I was extremely excited about the prospect for a better Dominica, especially economically. I have always wanted to retire back home and I felt that this event was going to be able to help make it easier for Dominicans to go back to Dominica and invest. I envisioned having a non governmental organization overseeing investment ideas that returning Dominicans may bring before them, and streamlining the process of establishing a business and making it easier for them. I also envisioned an organization that would help improve the technological landscape in Dominica, and helping to ensure that every child has access to the internet, among meny other projects.
However my excitment has fizzled and I am faced with this burning question. How can we Dominicans trust another dialogue about Dominica's progress, if our involvement will be shut out or undermined? It is very dissappointing. If I were the organizers, and I am not sure what has been already done to recreate that "unity" that they were bragging so much about is to send a letter to the Labour Party and a public letter to every Dominican asking them that they are willing to put differences aide and accept the participation of every Dominican. This can be AMAZING for our country. It can speak volumes. This is the mature way to deal with this.
God Bless Dominica ALWAYS, no matter who is at the helm.
So ORGANIZERS, what you all are saying is that the Labour Party is the problem and they have to go. You are contradicting yourselves by hiding behind the unity CLOAK, as you never really intended on having the Labour Party part of your UNITY dialogue. That truly explains why the leader of the Labour party was invited the way he was. I am a supporter of the present government, and I will not participate in your discussions or listen to your conversations as I am now convinced that your gestures were not genuine, and it was politically driven, and just for the record I do not feel that my participation will be accepted, even if I have a change of heart - just like the PM.
So good luck with one onesided view for progress.
So good luck with one onesided view for progress.
To all the Dominicans who come forward and speak loudly aganist what is going on in our country I say THANK you! and there are many of you, keep of talking. But those who remain silent I say, Dante said "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality." Hell is preapring a lot of those places for many people in Dominica, especially those who remain silent while our country is going to hell in a hand basket. It behoves me to say this. But their will be a super hotest hell for those who know or should know that what is going on in Dominica to is akin to treason aganist the Dominican people, yet they defend and support it. I have no respect for these people, no matter what title they carry. To those who come out in full force to demonize, discredit vilify, and if they could crucify the messengers I say don't think of the messengers, think of the message, LOOK AROUND YOU AND THINK DEEP!!! Think my people THINK!
Shirley Allan
Shirley Allan
I guess the people involved with the conference has to ask themselves, how do we define a successful event? In my opinion, the event was sucessful on many levels 1. It was organized in a short period of time 2. It created great dialogue 3. There were thousands of Dominicans from various political parties listening even the Prime Minister 4. It got a favorable response from the Prime Minister even though he was not officially invited. 5. There will be a proposal created out of this forum to be given to the ruling party for their review nd support. This I do believe is success, and if any one thinks otherwise then they are blind.
The only issue I have is that the Prime Ministers response was ridiculed and Mr. Fontaine was blatantly bashed. If we are all on the same road to transform Dominica into a new hemisphere, then we should accept all participants, welcome them and help them roll up their sleeves to work hard for Dominica.
A major fact we have to realize is that we are all entitled to our opinion, and we should express them fully. There have been many issues that have been wrong with all the ruling parties in Dominica, and I am sure that many of you will agree with me on this one. We are also entitled to call a spade a spade. If there is something that is going on wrong, then let us ALL put our heads together and try to right it.
We are mature individuals here, and I do believe that we can all help play our part to put Dominica on the right track no matter who is in power. We cannot just sacrifice ourselves and testify that we will do a better job, so in the meantime what we can offer in our support, and if the Prime Minister whats to help out then great. We all stand a better chance of getting our points across and getting things done.
Thanks for reading.
The only issue I have is that the Prime Ministers response was ridiculed and Mr. Fontaine was blatantly bashed. If we are all on the same road to transform Dominica into a new hemisphere, then we should accept all participants, welcome them and help them roll up their sleeves to work hard for Dominica.
A major fact we have to realize is that we are all entitled to our opinion, and we should express them fully. There have been many issues that have been wrong with all the ruling parties in Dominica, and I am sure that many of you will agree with me on this one. We are also entitled to call a spade a spade. If there is something that is going on wrong, then let us ALL put our heads together and try to right it.
We are mature individuals here, and I do believe that we can all help play our part to put Dominica on the right track no matter who is in power. We cannot just sacrifice ourselves and testify that we will do a better job, so in the meantime what we can offer in our support, and if the Prime Minister whats to help out then great. We all stand a better chance of getting our points across and getting things done.
Thanks for reading.
Shirley said
"To all the Dominicans who come forward and speak loudly aganist what is going on in our country I say THANK you! and there are many of you, keep of talking. But those who remain silent I say, Dante said "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality." Hell is preapring a lot of those places for many people in Dominica, especially those who remain silent while our country is going to hell in a hand basket. It behoves me to say this. But their will be a super hotest hell for those who know or should know that what is going on in Dominica to is akin to treason aganist the Dominican people, yet they defend and support it. I have no respect for these people, no matter what title they carry. To those who come out in full force to demonize, discredit vilify, and if they could crucify the messengers I say don't think of the messengers, think of the message, LOOK AROUND YOU AND THINK DEEP!!! Think my people THINK!"
I have been following this post since Monday, but I would like to speak out today.
OH MY GOD SHIRLEY, WHY DID YOU THROW IN THE TOWEL? You made your point. This was not about UNITY, it was about you and your group's own selfish motives. You truly did not care about inviting the Prime Minister and having him participate. That is why you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo upset that he sent the letter to show support. You all felt that he beat you at your stupid childish games. I am not involved in any of this stuff. You are saying that Dominicans are going to hell. Hopefully, when you are in heaven with your friends you remember us little souls, because I am not jumpimg on your band wagon.
YOU ALL ARE SUCH HYPOCRITES. Why is Dr. Fontaine even involved in this carnival? I am so surprise that you all are associating yourselves with this makaqui. Come on people act professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"To all the Dominicans who come forward and speak loudly aganist what is going on in our country I say THANK you! and there are many of you, keep of talking. But those who remain silent I say, Dante said "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality." Hell is preapring a lot of those places for many people in Dominica, especially those who remain silent while our country is going to hell in a hand basket. It behoves me to say this. But their will be a super hotest hell for those who know or should know that what is going on in Dominica to is akin to treason aganist the Dominican people, yet they defend and support it. I have no respect for these people, no matter what title they carry. To those who come out in full force to demonize, discredit vilify, and if they could crucify the messengers I say don't think of the messengers, think of the message, LOOK AROUND YOU AND THINK DEEP!!! Think my people THINK!"
I have been following this post since Monday, but I would like to speak out today.
OH MY GOD SHIRLEY, WHY DID YOU THROW IN THE TOWEL? You made your point. This was not about UNITY, it was about you and your group's own selfish motives. You truly did not care about inviting the Prime Minister and having him participate. That is why you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo upset that he sent the letter to show support. You all felt that he beat you at your stupid childish games. I am not involved in any of this stuff. You are saying that Dominicans are going to hell. Hopefully, when you are in heaven with your friends you remember us little souls, because I am not jumpimg on your band wagon.
YOU ALL ARE SUCH HYPOCRITES. Why is Dr. Fontaine even involved in this carnival? I am so surprise that you all are associating yourselves with this makaqui. Come on people act professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU ALL ARE SUCH HYPOCRITES. Why is Dr. Fontaine even involved in this carnival? I am so surprise that you all are associating yourselves with this makaqui. Come on people act professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoever you are I respect you opinion, but I beg to differ with what you think I think. You are totally wrong on all counts. I have absolutely no interest in politics and poiliticians, I don't care who is in or who is out, all I care is that we do not allow any politicians or Gopvernment to sell our country for 30 peieces of silver. No matter which party I felt was doing that, my voice would be heard. I am not into the petty party politics that some of Dominicians cling to, I have grown, and I call upon Dominicans to grow to. I am not throwin in any towel, I have no reason to. Why don't you think about the FACTS and not get caught up in all tghe "Noise" that is going around you. Freedom was represnted becausethey wanted to be there. UWP was there because they wanted to, Para sent us a letter acknowledging our inviration but apologizing for not being able to make it, Labor was not there because they didn't want to be.. They were on radio on a ministerial level Loraine Bannis and other minister trashing the conference calling the "DRAMA" they didn't want to be part og it, because even if they made no attempt to find out what it was all about, they already regeted it as a Governement bashing event. They were suprised at the repsonse and the impact and they are coming up with all kinds of stuff to discredit what we did in NY.. And for those of you were maliciously brand what we did as Governement bashing please tell me how one can address the issues of the day without making reference to the Government of the day?? Tell us for the next time.
Your stupidness about me being upset that Skeritt sent a letter of support is just more of the same. I know how politicians work and Skeritt did EXACTLY what I expected him to do, nothing more, nothing less. Please my fellow Dominicans I say look beyond the "NOISE" that's going on around you, they would like to bury the message in "NOISE" seek the facts and come to your own conclusions based on FACTS!
Shirley Allan
Whoever you are I respect you opinion, but I beg to differ with what you think I think. You are totally wrong on all counts. I have absolutely no interest in politics and poiliticians, I don't care who is in or who is out, all I care is that we do not allow any politicians or Gopvernment to sell our country for 30 peieces of silver. No matter which party I felt was doing that, my voice would be heard. I am not into the petty party politics that some of Dominicians cling to, I have grown, and I call upon Dominicans to grow to. I am not throwin in any towel, I have no reason to. Why don't you think about the FACTS and not get caught up in all tghe "Noise" that is going around you. Freedom was represnted becausethey wanted to be there. UWP was there because they wanted to, Para sent us a letter acknowledging our inviration but apologizing for not being able to make it, Labor was not there because they didn't want to be.. They were on radio on a ministerial level Loraine Bannis and other minister trashing the conference calling the "DRAMA" they didn't want to be part og it, because even if they made no attempt to find out what it was all about, they already regeted it as a Governement bashing event. They were suprised at the repsonse and the impact and they are coming up with all kinds of stuff to discredit what we did in NY.. And for those of you were maliciously brand what we did as Governement bashing please tell me how one can address the issues of the day without making reference to the Government of the day?? Tell us for the next time.
Your stupidness about me being upset that Skeritt sent a letter of support is just more of the same. I know how politicians work and Skeritt did EXACTLY what I expected him to do, nothing more, nothing less. Please my fellow Dominicans I say look beyond the "NOISE" that's going on around you, they would like to bury the message in "NOISE" seek the facts and come to your own conclusions based on FACTS!
Shirley Allan
That is why you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo upset that he sent the letter to show support. You all felt that he beat you at your stupid childish games. I am not involved in any of this stuff. You are saying that Dominicans are going to hell. Hopefully, when you are in heaven with your friends you remember us little souls, because I am not jumpimg on your band wagon.
Answer: It is me again, your "Noise" was deafening me bursting my eardrum so I didn't quite take in this totally malious statement of yours.. First of all, I didn't say "DOminicans" were going to hell, I quoted Dante and said that hell is preparing the hottest place "SOme" Dominicans and I went further to "QUALIFY" that by saying those who reamin silent while Dominica is going to hell in a hand basket, and those who know or should know, but yet the support and defend what I see as TREASONOUS acts againts the people of Dominica. My EXACT QUOTE "Hell is preapring a lot of those places for many people in Dominica, especially those who remain silent while our country is going to hell in a hand basket. It behoves me to say this. But their will be a super hotest hell for those who know or should know that what is going on in Dominica to is akin to treason aganist the Dominican people, yet they defend and support it. I have no respect for these people, no matter what title they carry." but this is hope you people operate and survive by distortions, propaganda, trying to drwon the message in "NOISE" and sometimes outright lies! I trust that if my Dominican people get the FACTS and they are given a chnace to think about it without people like you trying to influnece their thinking with distortions, propaganda, trying to drwon the message in "NOISE" and sometimes outright lies!as you are doing right now, they will make the right decisions. Dominicans will finally figure out who their enemies are, they always do! It is definately not the people who are trying to open their eyes and their minds to what's happening to them and their country.. MY Dominicans will figure it out, I am confident!
Answer: It is me again, your "Noise" was deafening me bursting my eardrum so I didn't quite take in this totally malious statement of yours.. First of all, I didn't say "DOminicans" were going to hell, I quoted Dante and said that hell is preparing the hottest place "SOme" Dominicans and I went further to "QUALIFY" that by saying those who reamin silent while Dominica is going to hell in a hand basket, and those who know or should know, but yet the support and defend what I see as TREASONOUS acts againts the people of Dominica. My EXACT QUOTE "Hell is preapring a lot of those places for many people in Dominica, especially those who remain silent while our country is going to hell in a hand basket. It behoves me to say this. But their will be a super hotest hell for those who know or should know that what is going on in Dominica to is akin to treason aganist the Dominican people, yet they defend and support it. I have no respect for these people, no matter what title they carry." but this is hope you people operate and survive by distortions, propaganda, trying to drwon the message in "NOISE" and sometimes outright lies! I trust that if my Dominican people get the FACTS and they are given a chnace to think about it without people like you trying to influnece their thinking with distortions, propaganda, trying to drwon the message in "NOISE" and sometimes outright lies!as you are doing right now, they will make the right decisions. Dominicans will finally figure out who their enemies are, they always do! It is definately not the people who are trying to open their eyes and their minds to what's happening to them and their country.. MY Dominicans will figure it out, I am confident!
So why are we upset that Shirley Allan like many other Dominicans are NOT afraid to call it like it is! If Shirley Allan is lying; if she is making up stories about GRAFT, BRIBERY and CORRUPTION, Red Clinic; Foreigners over born Dominicans (National Bank, Geothermal, WEF Nature Trail) then blast her, condemn her. We living here in Dominica have lived through years of LIES and deception from Skerrit. After all Mr. Skerrit was called a LIAR by his very own, hand-picked Chinese Ambassador David Fan Chu yo hsui. He also lied to and decieved his compatiot and friend Gabu. Truth IS truth. It is the only pure defense to defamation. Shirley Allan speaks The TRUTH! So be it. TRUTH UNITES. This was truly a UNITY Conference!
Chinese Ambassador David Fan Chu yo hsui. "FAN CHU YO" - This is hillarious....I have not laughed like that in about 20 years!!!!
Shirley what was the intention of the unity unify people around a cause to be anti-government and anit-Skerrit. If this was the case you have definitely failed and we will repay you at the polls.
If your agenda was to draft a policy driven paper that could be used to better Dominica, you have also failed. Because what has come from this conference thus far is hatred and anger. By the tone of your posting here, you are a very bitter individual and you are masked in some charade.
Where is the policy paper or the good things that you have to show Dominicans. What are your investment plan. How do you plan to obtain capital for your projects.
What would serve you better is ...get your group of Skerrit basher, merge your bank accounts, 401K, stocks and other investments and invest in hotels, agro processing, telecomunication, energy creation and finncial service industry and don't even worry about Skerrit and the government. But as long as you want Skerrit to give you people money to live large in DA, forget it.
If your agenda was to draft a policy driven paper that could be used to better Dominica, you have also failed. Because what has come from this conference thus far is hatred and anger. By the tone of your posting here, you are a very bitter individual and you are masked in some charade.
Where is the policy paper or the good things that you have to show Dominicans. What are your investment plan. How do you plan to obtain capital for your projects.
What would serve you better is ...get your group of Skerrit basher, merge your bank accounts, 401K, stocks and other investments and invest in hotels, agro processing, telecomunication, energy creation and finncial service industry and don't even worry about Skerrit and the government. But as long as you want Skerrit to give you people money to live large in DA, forget it.
Trian, Bus, car, truck.. I don't know who you are and I don't care. This is the kind of ignorance that will lead to our further demise. Critical thinking my dear, critica thinking, you cannot, make people's thoughts or writings what you would like it to say, or percive somebody to be bitter and angry just because hat is what you want or that is what's suits yout position. The Unity Conference my dear was to unite Dominicans, and it did!!! BROVO! it did, there are a few of the RED clinic Attendees who will never leave that lne we know that, but the feedback is TERIFIC!! is that is what you see as biiterness look again! Bitter about what may I ask you Mr. Train? what is there to be biiter about? make sure you double check the meaning of the words before you use them. You will not be beating me at nay polls because my dear I am not running for anything.. Hold on to your pettey party politics, I have no interest in it. I have absolutely nothing personal against Skeritt, or any body esle in this Givernementm, it is strickly about the BUSINESS OF DOMINICA! I leave this personl stuff to you! I want no part of it. Why don't you ask Skeritt the questions you are asking a group of grass roots people who are trying to make a difference in Dominica. The questions you addressed to us, should be addressed to Skeritt, we are not the Government. How lame is that! I don't what is your idea of unifying people, but it appears you mean that we should encourgae people to join you at the alter of Skeritt worship while Dominica is slowly leaving the hands of Dominicans. How much did you pay the Chinese for the bottle of Dominican water that you bought today in Dominica? How much are you [Dominica]getting out of the millions of gallons that will seen to leaving Dominica very soon? Now that you have put your questions to us, please go and ask skeritt these questions they need to be asked. To my Dominican brothers and sisters I say, think, don't mind the "NOISE" around you, they want to bury the message with "NOISE" Those who are really looking critically at what is being posted here will tell who are the angry and bitter ones! Don't mind the "Noise" Think deep my fellow Dominicans. I knwo you can even with the "NOISE"
Shirley Allan
Shirley Allan
Shirley,I admire your courage and determination and I refuse to hail one person above that of my country. Wrong is wrong, right is right and total allegience to one politician ahead of country is bad and he (PM) thought that he is dispensible and that his popularity from previous elections will always remain. It was a mistake to elect an inexperience 31 year old with no prior knowledge of running any business to run afairs of country. Savarin, Maynard, and all know that. They took a risk. We are not running a soap opera, this is serious business and I dare say that PM and his ministers are limited, incompetent, has no ideas, they came in with none without foresight, lack vision and no idea on how to govern. From where I sit ( ..and I see and know it all) I tell you many in government know so and cannot wait for the exit of these guys. There is no Labour Party, it is a Skerritt organisation and the Labour Party has not won, not even under present PM, an election on its own merit. They have relied totally on Freedom voters. That is why they got so aggressive and mad when Freedom continued to exist and elected its new Leader. PM is a faliure, his ministers are scared of him, they cannot approach him openly, they are scared of him and that is why Yvor says "I served Skerritt", not Dominica. As one labour collegue said, "it is time we take back Dominica and save it" It is no longer "All shall eat", but it is "Some shall eat ALL". We cannot sacrifice another 5 years with these people. Give someone else a chance. All sectors of government has gone down, there is no leadership, guidance and confidence is running at all time low. That is is why the New York conference was called, as many are feeling the heat and concerned for Dominica. This government is a total failure and have lost support.
Shirley, Shirley, Shirley, Shirley what has gotten into you woman. What makes you think that your anger and hatred is going to get you anywhere. Please take a chill pill and relax. Do a couple push ups and a few one two three and relax. Make sure you have some water.
I paid the Chinese much cheaper than the water we had in about that.
The water that leaves Dominica would leave the way of the Sea..where do some people go to school....Damm
Shirley why are you screaming and making so much noise? What is wrong with you?
Anyway, you have not told me how your so called Unity Conference achieved. So far all I am getting is HOT AIR...HOT AIR.
Where is the policy paper, where are the result?
So far all you have been doing is blowing hot air here and battling people who oppose what you say. So you don't want people to speak now. Who trained you? Your little communist friend Gabu?
Shirley take your chill pill and relax sister.
Train, not bus or
I paid the Chinese much cheaper than the water we had in about that.
The water that leaves Dominica would leave the way of the Sea..where do some people go to school....Damm
Shirley why are you screaming and making so much noise? What is wrong with you?
Anyway, you have not told me how your so called Unity Conference achieved. So far all I am getting is HOT AIR...HOT AIR.
Where is the policy paper, where are the result?
So far all you have been doing is blowing hot air here and battling people who oppose what you say. So you don't want people to speak now. Who trained you? Your little communist friend Gabu?
Shirley take your chill pill and relax sister.
Train, not bus or
Can I call this a draw? Everybody shake hands, no... they will say that yo are Freedom, shake your foot, no...yo might be accused of being a Labour. Well just throw your saws in the air and wave them like yo jst don't care. O.K. then peace people. Let's all unite for DA.
It's only a draw after Shirley has accepted joking...don't want to kill the fat lady.
But for real, Shirley has effectively divided the people. She has been doing this for quite sometime and who better to do it again, but someone who has a proven track record of division anger and hate..but Shirley Allan
But for real, Shirley has effectively divided the people. She has been doing this for quite sometime and who better to do it again, but someone who has a proven track record of division anger and hate..but Shirley Allan
I strongly disagree with Train, there has been no divison but awareness........well done Shirly, Sam, Gabrielle and Fontaine. Thanks for raising the awareness of the important issues of our country, we are opening our eyes. Were it not for Lennox Linton we would not have known of the details of what is happening in Tortola and the pending case. There is more. we need accountability, transparency and good governance
Ok Train I guess This is it. You have no idea who I am, right now, I don't think I should be wasting my preciuos time in this level of dilouuge with you. You have proven to me that you will never get it.. Wait till next Wednesday for you to line up in the REd Clinic,. Maybe I have Train, and you are on the Chinese side, we want to get Dominicans on the side of DOMINICA. stay on your side train, no traitors on the Dominican side.
To me fellow Dominicans I say, don't mind the noise. Think critically, I know you can do it. I am sure you can figure out who is angry, who is bitter, who is just plain mad by yourselves.
To me fellow Dominicans I say, don't mind the noise. Think critically, I know you can do it. I am sure you can figure out who is angry, who is bitter, who is just plain mad by yourselves.
Lennox needs a bone and a job too. What is more to come will be an egg on all you face.
Gabu???who is that. A man who wanted $25K salary job with all posiible living expenses paid plus money to run Geo-thermal. Had he gotten his wished, Lennox would be investigating him ight now.
Continue with all your gibbereish ...but we are watching and the polls will be closed early too.
Gabu???who is that. A man who wanted $25K salary job with all posiible living expenses paid plus money to run Geo-thermal. Had he gotten his wished, Lennox would be investigating him ight now.
Continue with all your gibbereish ...but we are watching and the polls will be closed early too.
well....well...well....Lennox is now enemy number one, My God, how low can you get. I am begining to see the trends here now, this train is really without a track, a leader (driver), not sure where to make the necessary stops, blury etc. I wonder why was Ambrose dismiss of his job, twice. Strange things happening inside that train, it really needs to be opened up and cleaned so that the train can see clearly now. I think train is a bit upset and embrassed of the truth. Before the train left the station there should have been clear vision, destiny, check that all the right qualified and technical people are on board, an experience driver(leader) so that we, the paid passengers( vat ...taxes etc) are clear where we are going and we are getting our monnies worth. chooo.....chooo....chooo. Keep amusing us Train, the higher you climb the more you display your assests. Please keep on reading, we wil enlighten you. Shirley is getting stronger, Sam is resolute, Gabu is focussed, Lennox is investigating and the people will decide that enough is enough of this government`s poor record.
After all that bickering, Hon. Skerrit and the Labour Party is Still going to win the next election very easy.
Shirley must admit that there was absolutely no intention to invite the Government and the Labour Party. The Criticism of the Government and the Labour Party had commenced on hate radio Q95fm long before the Conference.
It is a shame that Shirley refers to red clinic. For the first time ordinary Dominicans, The sanitary laborer, the farmer, the vendor, the nurse, the student the road side mechanic have such access their Prime Minister when the PM Open up his Office to the General Public on a Wednesdays and people like My Friend Shirley Allen calls it Red Clinic.
Shirley people of all colors visit the PM on that open day. Some people seeking government assistance, Medical, education, Housing, land etc etc. However most people just go to tell the PM Thanks for the level of development taking place in Dominica. Some people go to offer a simple prayer, Some go just to give some encouragement. It is absolutely false to say that the PM dishes out money in his Office.
Shirley I Know that you were the Campaign Manager for Hon. Ron Green in Laplaine and you may be still a strong supporter of the UWP. However one must admit that SEN. Peter St. Jean has brought Meaningful development to the Laplaine Constituency never seen before. Come down and see for yourself.
In the Village Council Election held Last week in Laplane the the team loyal to the DLP beat Ron Green's team 4 to 1 with Peter's 19 year old son toping the poles. So my dear Shirley, Hon Ron Green is on his way out.
The Majority of Dominicans are satisfied with the Government and it will show at the next elections. Obviously there will be critics as the UWP still has support.
Shirley must admit that there was absolutely no intention to invite the Government and the Labour Party. The Criticism of the Government and the Labour Party had commenced on hate radio Q95fm long before the Conference.
It is a shame that Shirley refers to red clinic. For the first time ordinary Dominicans, The sanitary laborer, the farmer, the vendor, the nurse, the student the road side mechanic have such access their Prime Minister when the PM Open up his Office to the General Public on a Wednesdays and people like My Friend Shirley Allen calls it Red Clinic.
Shirley people of all colors visit the PM on that open day. Some people seeking government assistance, Medical, education, Housing, land etc etc. However most people just go to tell the PM Thanks for the level of development taking place in Dominica. Some people go to offer a simple prayer, Some go just to give some encouragement. It is absolutely false to say that the PM dishes out money in his Office.
Shirley I Know that you were the Campaign Manager for Hon. Ron Green in Laplaine and you may be still a strong supporter of the UWP. However one must admit that SEN. Peter St. Jean has brought Meaningful development to the Laplaine Constituency never seen before. Come down and see for yourself.
In the Village Council Election held Last week in Laplane the the team loyal to the DLP beat Ron Green's team 4 to 1 with Peter's 19 year old son toping the poles. So my dear Shirley, Hon Ron Green is on his way out.
The Majority of Dominicans are satisfied with the Government and it will show at the next elections. Obviously there will be critics as the UWP still has support.
...a train only follows a track, a fixed line predetermined by its controller and when it deviates the inevitable outcome is disaster. It can never determine its own route!
You think so, I heard a short fat lady on some radio program cussing out Dominicans.
Wow, what a mouth, what a unifier. I love this woman. She has made us all proud at the unity conference.
Wow, what a mouth, what a unifier. I love this woman. She has made us all proud at the unity conference.
Ok Shirley, that's it. I think you have said enough... Don't you have work to do? Are you the spokes person for the Unity conference? You have done enough dividing your fellow Dominicans. How can Gabu and his gang sit back and have you engaged is such low level discussions. Get a grip of yourself and show some class. You are behaving life a little child. This is not about winning a stupid argument. It’s about uniting Dominican which you have failed miserably at doing.
To The writer who started with this__-After all that bickering, Hon. Skerrit and the Labour Party is Still going to win the next election very easy.
Shirley must admit that there was absolutely no intention to invite the Government and the Labour Party. The Criticism of the Government and the Labour Party had commenced on hate radio Q95fm long before the Conference.
There is no doubt that you have no idea, What? Are you serious? is that what you want for Dominica, for every Wednesday for prople to line up and see the Prime Minster forto collect handouts? Who ever you are you think Dominica is Nigeria? Where is Skeritt getting the money for that program from? Where is the accounting for it? Are you kidding me? What happened to the social services? what happened to other oragnizations that can deleiver these services? OH no don't tell me that Dominicans think that this is normal acceptable behavior for politicans.. God help us, we are becoming Nigera! I feel so soory about that. That has Skeritt Done to Dominicans? The Lady or man who made this shameful commentary, I don''t know what you are thinking, or if you are thinking at all, but it is people like you Shirley is trying to educate and what good governance is. What a shame. I hope no body besides Dominicans go on this blog and see what you wrote. I would not ascribe the naming of the clinic to Shirley, I think it got its name from the people who are keeping it, Shirley people of all colors visit the PM on that open day. Some people seeking government assistance, Medical, education, Housing, land etc etc. However most people just go to tell the PM Thanks for the level of development taking place in Dominica. Some people go to offer a simple prayer, Some go just to give some encouragement. It is absolutely false to say that the PM dishes out money in his Office." What is wrong with the agancies that deal with these issues? I want to laugh really, don't I don't find this funny as much as I would like to dismiss it as joke. It seems you are a regular visitor there since you know soooooooo much about it. Well what can expect from you but that sad, sad, sad, commentary. Hoepfully you will see the light. While you pray for the PM we will be praying for you and others like you for deliverance you need it.
Shirley must admit that there was absolutely no intention to invite the Government and the Labour Party. The Criticism of the Government and the Labour Party had commenced on hate radio Q95fm long before the Conference.
There is no doubt that you have no idea, What? Are you serious? is that what you want for Dominica, for every Wednesday for prople to line up and see the Prime Minster forto collect handouts? Who ever you are you think Dominica is Nigeria? Where is Skeritt getting the money for that program from? Where is the accounting for it? Are you kidding me? What happened to the social services? what happened to other oragnizations that can deleiver these services? OH no don't tell me that Dominicans think that this is normal acceptable behavior for politicans.. God help us, we are becoming Nigera! I feel so soory about that. That has Skeritt Done to Dominicans? The Lady or man who made this shameful commentary, I don''t know what you are thinking, or if you are thinking at all, but it is people like you Shirley is trying to educate and what good governance is. What a shame. I hope no body besides Dominicans go on this blog and see what you wrote. I would not ascribe the naming of the clinic to Shirley, I think it got its name from the people who are keeping it, Shirley people of all colors visit the PM on that open day. Some people seeking government assistance, Medical, education, Housing, land etc etc. However most people just go to tell the PM Thanks for the level of development taking place in Dominica. Some people go to offer a simple prayer, Some go just to give some encouragement. It is absolutely false to say that the PM dishes out money in his Office." What is wrong with the agancies that deal with these issues? I want to laugh really, don't I don't find this funny as much as I would like to dismiss it as joke. It seems you are a regular visitor there since you know soooooooo much about it. Well what can expect from you but that sad, sad, sad, commentary. Hoepfully you will see the light. While you pray for the PM we will be praying for you and others like you for deliverance you need it.
Shirley I Know that you were the Campaign Manager for Hon. Ron Green in Laplaine and you may be still a strong supporter of the UWP. However one must admit that SEN. Peter St. Jean has brought Meaningful development to the Laplaine Constituency never seen before. Come down and see for yourself.
In the Village Council Election held Last week in Laplane the the team loyal to the DLP beat Ron Green's team 4 to 1 with Peter's 19 year old son toping the poles. So my dear Shirley, Hon Ron Green is on his way out.
The Majority of Dominicans are satisfied with the Government and it will show at the next elections. Obviously there will be critics as the UWP still has support.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Honey whoever you are Shirley Allan doesn't care about Petty Party Politics, she has left that for people who really don;'t know too much about politicans and politics. She is all about social, econimic and political development for you people. Shirley is a proud Dominica who knows what the mean of an independent sovereign nation is. She deals with the Issues not personalities, All she is asking for is transparency, accountability, and that Skerrit does not sell Dominica from under the feet of naieve Dominicans like you seem to be. She is concerned about the generations to come after Skeritt, Ron, and ll the current people in the political arena are long gone.. Honey Shirley is looking 15-20 years down the road. What then? have you even bothered to consider that? Poor child, think about it. Do you have childern? what kind of Dominica you would wnat to see them inherit?
In the Village Council Election held Last week in Laplane the the team loyal to the DLP beat Ron Green's team 4 to 1 with Peter's 19 year old son toping the poles. So my dear Shirley, Hon Ron Green is on his way out.
The Majority of Dominicans are satisfied with the Government and it will show at the next elections. Obviously there will be critics as the UWP still has support.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Honey whoever you are Shirley Allan doesn't care about Petty Party Politics, she has left that for people who really don;'t know too much about politicans and politics. She is all about social, econimic and political development for you people. Shirley is a proud Dominica who knows what the mean of an independent sovereign nation is. She deals with the Issues not personalities, All she is asking for is transparency, accountability, and that Skerrit does not sell Dominica from under the feet of naieve Dominicans like you seem to be. She is concerned about the generations to come after Skeritt, Ron, and ll the current people in the political arena are long gone.. Honey Shirley is looking 15-20 years down the road. What then? have you even bothered to consider that? Poor child, think about it. Do you have childern? what kind of Dominica you would wnat to see them inherit?
Train I totally agree with the previuos blogger who said that Train is the most backyard and unintelligent blogger on this site. What a fool? Brother don't do that to yourself. Maybe you could try to elevate yourself to Standard Two. You can do it Train try until you succeed. But You might have to go summer classes in other to qualify, I don't think regular school hours will be enough.
So the word is that Pastor St. Jean will beat Ron all around if the Village Council elections are any indications of things to come in the general elections. Well that is what you guys would like folks to believe. Better 'Red than Dead'. Not in La Plaine - maybe elsewhere.-no way no way!!!
Well La Plaine is safe in Green's hands in spite of all the free stuff that the 'red' machinery with all their ALBA money they are unleashing on La Plaine. Of course elections are about work and boots on the ground knocking on doors and holding meetings. So Ron has his work cut out for him but he is going to be just fine as is Dominica. He is taking nothing for granted.
Yes it might be close because money wins elections. When the final whistle is blown on election night, Green will have held back the 'red' machinery all out assault on him and the east.
We will have to wait until the actual numbers are counted----he will win by more than one vote as Bannis did (supposedly) further east in Castle Bruce.
Well La Plaine is safe in Green's hands in spite of all the free stuff that the 'red' machinery with all their ALBA money they are unleashing on La Plaine. Of course elections are about work and boots on the ground knocking on doors and holding meetings. So Ron has his work cut out for him but he is going to be just fine as is Dominica. He is taking nothing for granted.
Yes it might be close because money wins elections. When the final whistle is blown on election night, Green will have held back the 'red' machinery all out assault on him and the east.
We will have to wait until the actual numbers are counted----he will win by more than one vote as Bannis did (supposedly) further east in Castle Bruce.
Lord Have mercy on Dominica, it is worst than I could have ver thought! Yeah Dominica is heading into dictatorship if we don't stop the madness. I can't beleive what I am reading. My proud, brave dignified people we once where, what have they done to you?
Learn something:
Government should be formed with a primary goal that includes giving its citizens opportunities to succeed. If a government oppresses the ideals and beliefs of its people, it becomes the right and the duty of those citizens to work towards change.
But what is oppression? How does one properly identify those things that could be considered as such, and not those things that are simply signs of difficult times? While no single situation or experience may be the same, there are some basic identifiable signs of oppression.
When basic freedoms of life and simple liberties are denied to individuals, and the government has little regard for the well being of its people, then change is necessary.
When the achievement of dreams and desires are made impossible by government action or policies, and not due to a lack of effort on the part of the people, then change is necessary.
When the government no longer acts in the best interests of its people, or intentionally goes against the will of the people for its own gain, then change is necessary.
The English dictionaries have described corruption as the state of being corrupt. However, in an extensive manner, the word corrupt is synonymous to decay or rot.
Corruption is perceived and defined as a degenerative disease, known to be symptomatic of high poverty level, high crime rate, poor economic growth and incessant upsurge in unemployment rate, which are all evident in today’s DOMINICA Therefore, it is obviously a stale truth that DOMINICA of today is afflicted with this disease. Corruption is best cured at its infancy of affliction when diagnosed. Are curative measures too late to put in place? No, It is our duty therefore, to devote to the exposure of corruption at all levels, the sensitization of Dominicans and others to corrupt practices (i.e governmental, individual or internationally-influenced ones) inside/outside of Dominica irrespective of hierarchical positioning and above all, to speak on behalf of ourselves and those who do not have a vaoice because they fear repercussions, and victimization. Those who spare in the corrupted pie will want us dead we know. But they will not kill this message not this time.
Welcome (e ku abo, barka, nnoo) to the world
Learn something:
Government should be formed with a primary goal that includes giving its citizens opportunities to succeed. If a government oppresses the ideals and beliefs of its people, it becomes the right and the duty of those citizens to work towards change.
But what is oppression? How does one properly identify those things that could be considered as such, and not those things that are simply signs of difficult times? While no single situation or experience may be the same, there are some basic identifiable signs of oppression.
When basic freedoms of life and simple liberties are denied to individuals, and the government has little regard for the well being of its people, then change is necessary.
When the achievement of dreams and desires are made impossible by government action or policies, and not due to a lack of effort on the part of the people, then change is necessary.
When the government no longer acts in the best interests of its people, or intentionally goes against the will of the people for its own gain, then change is necessary.
The English dictionaries have described corruption as the state of being corrupt. However, in an extensive manner, the word corrupt is synonymous to decay or rot.
Corruption is perceived and defined as a degenerative disease, known to be symptomatic of high poverty level, high crime rate, poor economic growth and incessant upsurge in unemployment rate, which are all evident in today’s DOMINICA Therefore, it is obviously a stale truth that DOMINICA of today is afflicted with this disease. Corruption is best cured at its infancy of affliction when diagnosed. Are curative measures too late to put in place? No, It is our duty therefore, to devote to the exposure of corruption at all levels, the sensitization of Dominicans and others to corrupt practices (i.e governmental, individual or internationally-influenced ones) inside/outside of Dominica irrespective of hierarchical positioning and above all, to speak on behalf of ourselves and those who do not have a vaoice because they fear repercussions, and victimization. Those who spare in the corrupted pie will want us dead we know. But they will not kill this message not this time.
Welcome (e ku abo, barka, nnoo) to the world
Dayo, you are just another Shirely Allan...loud mouth uwp trumpet that is still suffering from LOPS.
Guess what, there will be no cure for LOPS soon, so you will have LOPS for another 5 years
Guess what, there will be no cure for LOPS soon, so you will have LOPS for another 5 years
Very disappointed with Gabriel Christian, he knows to well of the progress and development taking place in Dominica under the distinguished leadership of PM Skerrit.
PM Skerrit has made many of us living in the Diaspora proud with his astute leadership and his no nonsense attitude towards development and people development (EDUCATION).
Surely, we who live in the diaspora will not allow and assist you in turning the gain made by PM Skerrit because of your selfish reasons.
We in the diaspora know that you're annoyed at PM Skerrit because you cannot DICTATE to him what to do and say.
PM Skerrit, God has anointed you to lead Dominica, that's why we are seeing the fruits of your labour. Keep it up.
Tony your response is timely and educational to all of us who live in the diaspora. Gabriel can you refute that. Since you believe that Dominica lacks good and honest leadership, challenge the PM at the forth coming election and let Dominican decide who they thing is honest.
PM Skerrit has made many of us living in the Diaspora proud with his astute leadership and his no nonsense attitude towards development and people development (EDUCATION).
Surely, we who live in the diaspora will not allow and assist you in turning the gain made by PM Skerrit because of your selfish reasons.
We in the diaspora know that you're annoyed at PM Skerrit because you cannot DICTATE to him what to do and say.
PM Skerrit, God has anointed you to lead Dominica, that's why we are seeing the fruits of your labour. Keep it up.
Tony your response is timely and educational to all of us who live in the diaspora. Gabriel can you refute that. Since you believe that Dominica lacks good and honest leadership, challenge the PM at the forth coming election and let Dominican decide who they thing is honest.
Below is a response by local attorney Anthony Astaphan to several speakers at last Saturday's Unity and Progress Coalition Conference for a better Dominica held in New York.
Some highlights of some of the speakers and our response!!!
Gabriel Christian said or inferred
1: Their party will not be red, green or blue; that it would be a rainbow coloured party. It would be United Progressive Coalition.
There was no genuine attempt to invite the DLP to this coalition. Indeed, the declared purpose published in THE SUN was the removal of the DLP from Government. Further, Gabriel Christian knows the contact information for every senior member of the DLP, yet not a single invitation was sent. Emails are sent every day to the Prime Minister’s Gmail, but no invitation. Shirley Allen, known sympathizer to the UWP, asked Astaphan for a contact number for the DLP. He declined to reply but no invitation is extended to him. Alick Lawrence, Steve Sabin or others who are known friends of the Prime Minister and DLP, particularly Steve and Alick, who had been invited to and participated in the conference in NY to found the Roosevelt Douglas Foundation.
2: It would consist of persons from the UWP, DFP and members of the cabinet that are not tainted by corruption.
Big political joke for three reasons. The first is what is meant by “tainted”. The second, who is to decide, in the absence of a ruling by the IPO Commission or Court, which member of the DLP is “tainted” by corruption? To date, no evidence, complaint or charge of corruption has been laid before the IPO Commission or even made public.
Third, pray tell, who in the UWP between 1995 and 2000 is not “tainted” either by their participation or silence? For example, would Ron Green pass the test when he was in Cabinet when Edison James put his plan afoot to lease State lands for North Eastern Quarries? And what about when it became public that Edison intended to secure money from AID Bank on a business plan which declared ONLY STATE PROJECTS?!!!! Would Mr. Green also pass the test when he remained silent during every assertion of corruption and mismanagement directed against the UWP Government between 1995 and 2000?
Therefore, it appears to us that if the taint of corruption is the criterion for exclusion, most of the present UWP leadership would be eliminated. Surely, Edison would be eliminated for his North Eastern Quarries drama and his receipt of money from Taiwan which every Executive Member including Ron Green either knew about or ought to have known. The real danger here was that the UWP received Taiwanese funds in exchange for our sovereignty! Campaign funds in exchange for a sellout; return DA to Taiwan!
Also, what about the so-called leaders of the Diaspora, some of whom we saw sitting at the head table on Saturday. Some even addressed the conference. What of their silence in the face of UWP corruption between 1995 to 2000? Is not their silence as damning an indictment, seeing that they only found their voices after 2000?
3: Persons contesting elections should be required to pass a test. A test of such matters as profit and loss statements and balance sheets. The test should be set by a commission consisting of members of political parties and civic organizations.
This astonishing statement sounds not only elitist, it sounds Iranist. In Iran all candidates have to be approved by a higher authority - which is fundamentally undemocratic. But the most offensive part is the stench of elitism emanating from this statement. Politics will now become the private domain of the middle classes, the rich and educated. Our entire system of politics is rooted in democracy by and for the masses, not the educated. This neo-elitist idea will eradicate tens of thousands from participating in the electoral process. Farmers and others, even other professionals not versed in financial statements, will be cast aside for the new politico elites! No western liberal democracy has imposed such a startling restriction on participating in elections.
4: That their group were "natural resource nationalists" and their aim was to protect the natural resources for Dominicans.
This is code for “no person other than me and friends must benefit from our “natural resources”. This statement has a tortured beginning. It was provoked by this government granting a company a license to explore geothermal energy in Soufriere and Scotshead. The substantial portion of this “natural resource” is in the Wotton Waven and Trafalgar areas, and the Government has not agreed to lease one acre of this area to any foreigner or otherwise. We do not think we need to add that this Clean Energy Corporation was also given a licence in Nevis!
However, what we need explained, and what all must demand an answer to is this: was Mr. Christian able to raise the funding and resources to get his geothermal contract off the ground? Why was this project with Government for nearly 5 years? We know he wanted “exclusivity”. However, what we do not know was whether he had the capital or resources, or whether it was his position that Skerrit should use his influence with Chavez or the PROC to raise the funds for his venture!
5: He had broken ranks with the DLP on their decision to sell the natural resources of the country to foreign interest.
Ranks were broken by this government granting a company to explore geothermal energy in Soufriere and Scotshead, and the Prime Minister refusing to grant Diplomatic Passports to FOREIGNERS recommended by Gabriel Christian. We believe this has nothing to do with principle. We believe it has everything to do with seeking to exert influence and control over the Prime Minister and Government!
6: Government has given away the pumice and geothermal resources to foreigners and ministers were privately benefiting from it.
Nonsense!! For a start the Colihaut quarry and Layou sand enterprises were awarded by the UWP. Second, how does a Government give away the “natural resources” when the substantial portion of this “ natural resource” is in the Wotton Waven and Trafalgar areas, and the Government has not agreed to lease one acre of this area to any foreigner or otherwise?
This allegation of ministers benefitting is another redherring. Too often our apostles of doom make these general statements without a shred of evidence. We challenge Mr. Christian, the eloquent Attorney we know him to be, if he has the evidence, any evidence, to exercise his national and legal obligation and make a complaint to the IPO Commission. We spent too much time demanding the implementation of the IPO, to side step its authority, with marketplace gossip! In other words, he must put up or shut up!
7: Dominica is the only country in the Caribbean selling citizenship.
False. St. Kitts has an economic citizenship program too.
8: There should be 4 extra seats in parliament for members of the diaspora, including from Canada, UK and USA.
This is empty and misleading rhetoric. How will this be given effect without an amendment to the Constitution? And how will this be executed? By vote or proportional representation? Really? The last constitution review commission headed by Telford Georges recommended fewer, not more members of parliament.
Further, this attempt by the “natural resource nationalists” to expand the size of Dominica’s Parliament is a blatant attempt at expediency, which will expend the size of government and its expenditure against the background of the global financial crisis
9: He accused the Government of appointing foreigners as ambassadors one of whom had been arrested in the US.
For a start Mr. Christian has himself recommended that the Government appoint three (3) foreigners as ambassadors. Mr. King was arrested in 2009. The Government severed all ties with him by letter dated 30th January 2007! David Hsiu was appointed Ambassador to the PRC. Because of his previous relations with the DFP and UWP Governments, and his ties to the PRC Government, it was believed he was the most suited. He resigned and the Government of the PRC was advised of his recall by His Excellency the President. It is not uncommon for governments to appoint non-nationals to diplomatic positions. And surely not if they are citizens!
10: He constantly evokes references to Roosie Douglas.
We appreciate Gabriel’s involvement post 2000 with the Roosie Douglas Foundation. Although, we are not sure what has happened since its launch we do not recall Gabriel’s involvement in the 2000 campaign. What we do recall is that in the La Plaine constituency he donated, we believe, computers to Ron Green rather than the DLP’s candidate. When the DLP won the general elections, he asked the DLP’s candidate to take possession of the computers and presented them to the DLP. We do not know whether this will be seen as flip-flopping!
11: He expressed concerns about the outcome of elections being affected by Chinese economic citizens coming to vote.
Citizens regardless of race have the right to vote. However, no economic citizen can vote in an election unless he or she can meet the 3-month residence requirement for registration in the polling district. But here too we find this johnny come lately concern bewildering. The DFP and UWP sold several passports to Chinese and other nationals and we do not recall the DLP belly-aching about being afraid of losing an election because of Chinese, or of Gabriel complaining then about these Chinese nationals being able to influence the elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12: It was unacceptable that the major enterprises in Dominica, the banks, Cable & Wireless, Electricity Company, television company should be under foreign control.
The National Bank of Dominica is not foreign-owned. This DLP Government inherited the foreign-based banks, Cable and Wireless and the other companies referred to by Gabriel. The DLP Government is a democratic-based institution. It does not espouse communistic principles or nationalization of vested commercial interests simply on the basis of such whimsical statements.
But things did change after 2000. Marpin is now owned 50/50% with the Dominica Social Security. For the first time since the UWP sold out Domlec cheaply to CDC, a Dominican entity, the Dominica Social Security has a substantial shareholding in Domlec. In any event other than the limited protection given to Domlec, there are no legal obstacles to any Dominican starting the businesses he mentioned.
13: That his relationship with Skerrit had not been personal but philosophical and that Skerrit had departed from the philosophy of the DLP.
The allegation that Skerrit has moved away from DLP is non-sense. The expression of the philosophy of the DLP in the 1970s and 80s cannot be the same for a DLP in 2009. The world has changed and so has the DLP. Had it remained the dinosaur that some wished it would, it may have become extinct, as it appears the new DFP is becoming.
Thompson Fountain
1: He complained about an application for a bank licence by some Dominicans.
It is true that a few years ago a few Dominicans applied for a bank license. Alick Lawrence law chambers, on behalf of the company presented an application for a non-bank financial institution license. The difference between a bank and non-bank financial licence is the initial capital required. A non-bank financial institution requires far less capital to get the grant of a licence. The application was dealt with by the staff of the Ministry of Finance, as required by the Banking Act. After a few months the Financial Secretary returned the documents to the lawyer requesting further documents/information. The application was never resubmitted to the Ministry of Finance.
Lennox Linton said
1: The fact that Dominicans were poorer because of government’s policy on taxation. He said that there was a 91% increase in tax revenue from 2007 to present fueled by mainly increase in VAT.
2: Dominica has the highest cost of living, poverty and unemployment and lowest economic growth in the Eastern Caribbean.
3: The usual utterances of the lack of transparency in public office.
Point 1: Mr. Linton made no reference to the fact that the Government’s policy had broadened the tax base and removed a significant number of people from paying direct income tax. In addition, he failed to mention the fact that the income tax threshold was raised, VAT is exempted on essential food items, the extraordinary work and funds spent on poverty alleviation, the reduction of fees at the hospital, elimination of taxes on pensioners income or interest, easier access to funding at the AID Bank, regularization of squatters rights, land reform and the provision of housing under the housing revolution.
Point 2: Mr. Linton failed to mention that a couple of years ago, Caricom undertook a study of the cost of living in Caricom. This Caricom report showed that Dominica had THE SECOND LOWEST rate and rise of cost of living in the previous 10 years!!!! Also, within the last two weeks or so the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank released a report that showed that Dominica had the SECOND HIGHEST RATE of economic growth in the OECS in the last year!
Point 3: Dominica is one of the very few countries in the region which has implemented the Integrity in Public Office Legislation.
Some highlights of some of the speakers and our response!!!
Gabriel Christian said or inferred
1: Their party will not be red, green or blue; that it would be a rainbow coloured party. It would be United Progressive Coalition.
There was no genuine attempt to invite the DLP to this coalition. Indeed, the declared purpose published in THE SUN was the removal of the DLP from Government. Further, Gabriel Christian knows the contact information for every senior member of the DLP, yet not a single invitation was sent. Emails are sent every day to the Prime Minister’s Gmail, but no invitation. Shirley Allen, known sympathizer to the UWP, asked Astaphan for a contact number for the DLP. He declined to reply but no invitation is extended to him. Alick Lawrence, Steve Sabin or others who are known friends of the Prime Minister and DLP, particularly Steve and Alick, who had been invited to and participated in the conference in NY to found the Roosevelt Douglas Foundation.
2: It would consist of persons from the UWP, DFP and members of the cabinet that are not tainted by corruption.
Big political joke for three reasons. The first is what is meant by “tainted”. The second, who is to decide, in the absence of a ruling by the IPO Commission or Court, which member of the DLP is “tainted” by corruption? To date, no evidence, complaint or charge of corruption has been laid before the IPO Commission or even made public.
Third, pray tell, who in the UWP between 1995 and 2000 is not “tainted” either by their participation or silence? For example, would Ron Green pass the test when he was in Cabinet when Edison James put his plan afoot to lease State lands for North Eastern Quarries? And what about when it became public that Edison intended to secure money from AID Bank on a business plan which declared ONLY STATE PROJECTS?!!!! Would Mr. Green also pass the test when he remained silent during every assertion of corruption and mismanagement directed against the UWP Government between 1995 and 2000?
Therefore, it appears to us that if the taint of corruption is the criterion for exclusion, most of the present UWP leadership would be eliminated. Surely, Edison would be eliminated for his North Eastern Quarries drama and his receipt of money from Taiwan which every Executive Member including Ron Green either knew about or ought to have known. The real danger here was that the UWP received Taiwanese funds in exchange for our sovereignty! Campaign funds in exchange for a sellout; return DA to Taiwan!
Also, what about the so-called leaders of the Diaspora, some of whom we saw sitting at the head table on Saturday. Some even addressed the conference. What of their silence in the face of UWP corruption between 1995 to 2000? Is not their silence as damning an indictment, seeing that they only found their voices after 2000?
3: Persons contesting elections should be required to pass a test. A test of such matters as profit and loss statements and balance sheets. The test should be set by a commission consisting of members of political parties and civic organizations.
This astonishing statement sounds not only elitist, it sounds Iranist. In Iran all candidates have to be approved by a higher authority - which is fundamentally undemocratic. But the most offensive part is the stench of elitism emanating from this statement. Politics will now become the private domain of the middle classes, the rich and educated. Our entire system of politics is rooted in democracy by and for the masses, not the educated. This neo-elitist idea will eradicate tens of thousands from participating in the electoral process. Farmers and others, even other professionals not versed in financial statements, will be cast aside for the new politico elites! No western liberal democracy has imposed such a startling restriction on participating in elections.
4: That their group were "natural resource nationalists" and their aim was to protect the natural resources for Dominicans.
This is code for “no person other than me and friends must benefit from our “natural resources”. This statement has a tortured beginning. It was provoked by this government granting a company a license to explore geothermal energy in Soufriere and Scotshead. The substantial portion of this “natural resource” is in the Wotton Waven and Trafalgar areas, and the Government has not agreed to lease one acre of this area to any foreigner or otherwise. We do not think we need to add that this Clean Energy Corporation was also given a licence in Nevis!
However, what we need explained, and what all must demand an answer to is this: was Mr. Christian able to raise the funding and resources to get his geothermal contract off the ground? Why was this project with Government for nearly 5 years? We know he wanted “exclusivity”. However, what we do not know was whether he had the capital or resources, or whether it was his position that Skerrit should use his influence with Chavez or the PROC to raise the funds for his venture!
5: He had broken ranks with the DLP on their decision to sell the natural resources of the country to foreign interest.
Ranks were broken by this government granting a company to explore geothermal energy in Soufriere and Scotshead, and the Prime Minister refusing to grant Diplomatic Passports to FOREIGNERS recommended by Gabriel Christian. We believe this has nothing to do with principle. We believe it has everything to do with seeking to exert influence and control over the Prime Minister and Government!
6: Government has given away the pumice and geothermal resources to foreigners and ministers were privately benefiting from it.
Nonsense!! For a start the Colihaut quarry and Layou sand enterprises were awarded by the UWP. Second, how does a Government give away the “natural resources” when the substantial portion of this “ natural resource” is in the Wotton Waven and Trafalgar areas, and the Government has not agreed to lease one acre of this area to any foreigner or otherwise?
This allegation of ministers benefitting is another redherring. Too often our apostles of doom make these general statements without a shred of evidence. We challenge Mr. Christian, the eloquent Attorney we know him to be, if he has the evidence, any evidence, to exercise his national and legal obligation and make a complaint to the IPO Commission. We spent too much time demanding the implementation of the IPO, to side step its authority, with marketplace gossip! In other words, he must put up or shut up!
7: Dominica is the only country in the Caribbean selling citizenship.
False. St. Kitts has an economic citizenship program too.
8: There should be 4 extra seats in parliament for members of the diaspora, including from Canada, UK and USA.
This is empty and misleading rhetoric. How will this be given effect without an amendment to the Constitution? And how will this be executed? By vote or proportional representation? Really? The last constitution review commission headed by Telford Georges recommended fewer, not more members of parliament.
Further, this attempt by the “natural resource nationalists” to expand the size of Dominica’s Parliament is a blatant attempt at expediency, which will expend the size of government and its expenditure against the background of the global financial crisis
9: He accused the Government of appointing foreigners as ambassadors one of whom had been arrested in the US.
For a start Mr. Christian has himself recommended that the Government appoint three (3) foreigners as ambassadors. Mr. King was arrested in 2009. The Government severed all ties with him by letter dated 30th January 2007! David Hsiu was appointed Ambassador to the PRC. Because of his previous relations with the DFP and UWP Governments, and his ties to the PRC Government, it was believed he was the most suited. He resigned and the Government of the PRC was advised of his recall by His Excellency the President. It is not uncommon for governments to appoint non-nationals to diplomatic positions. And surely not if they are citizens!
10: He constantly evokes references to Roosie Douglas.
We appreciate Gabriel’s involvement post 2000 with the Roosie Douglas Foundation. Although, we are not sure what has happened since its launch we do not recall Gabriel’s involvement in the 2000 campaign. What we do recall is that in the La Plaine constituency he donated, we believe, computers to Ron Green rather than the DLP’s candidate. When the DLP won the general elections, he asked the DLP’s candidate to take possession of the computers and presented them to the DLP. We do not know whether this will be seen as flip-flopping!
11: He expressed concerns about the outcome of elections being affected by Chinese economic citizens coming to vote.
Citizens regardless of race have the right to vote. However, no economic citizen can vote in an election unless he or she can meet the 3-month residence requirement for registration in the polling district. But here too we find this johnny come lately concern bewildering. The DFP and UWP sold several passports to Chinese and other nationals and we do not recall the DLP belly-aching about being afraid of losing an election because of Chinese, or of Gabriel complaining then about these Chinese nationals being able to influence the elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12: It was unacceptable that the major enterprises in Dominica, the banks, Cable & Wireless, Electricity Company, television company should be under foreign control.
The National Bank of Dominica is not foreign-owned. This DLP Government inherited the foreign-based banks, Cable and Wireless and the other companies referred to by Gabriel. The DLP Government is a democratic-based institution. It does not espouse communistic principles or nationalization of vested commercial interests simply on the basis of such whimsical statements.
But things did change after 2000. Marpin is now owned 50/50% with the Dominica Social Security. For the first time since the UWP sold out Domlec cheaply to CDC, a Dominican entity, the Dominica Social Security has a substantial shareholding in Domlec. In any event other than the limited protection given to Domlec, there are no legal obstacles to any Dominican starting the businesses he mentioned.
13: That his relationship with Skerrit had not been personal but philosophical and that Skerrit had departed from the philosophy of the DLP.
The allegation that Skerrit has moved away from DLP is non-sense. The expression of the philosophy of the DLP in the 1970s and 80s cannot be the same for a DLP in 2009. The world has changed and so has the DLP. Had it remained the dinosaur that some wished it would, it may have become extinct, as it appears the new DFP is becoming.
Thompson Fountain
1: He complained about an application for a bank licence by some Dominicans.
It is true that a few years ago a few Dominicans applied for a bank license. Alick Lawrence law chambers, on behalf of the company presented an application for a non-bank financial institution license. The difference between a bank and non-bank financial licence is the initial capital required. A non-bank financial institution requires far less capital to get the grant of a licence. The application was dealt with by the staff of the Ministry of Finance, as required by the Banking Act. After a few months the Financial Secretary returned the documents to the lawyer requesting further documents/information. The application was never resubmitted to the Ministry of Finance.
Lennox Linton said
1: The fact that Dominicans were poorer because of government’s policy on taxation. He said that there was a 91% increase in tax revenue from 2007 to present fueled by mainly increase in VAT.
2: Dominica has the highest cost of living, poverty and unemployment and lowest economic growth in the Eastern Caribbean.
3: The usual utterances of the lack of transparency in public office.
Point 1: Mr. Linton made no reference to the fact that the Government’s policy had broadened the tax base and removed a significant number of people from paying direct income tax. In addition, he failed to mention the fact that the income tax threshold was raised, VAT is exempted on essential food items, the extraordinary work and funds spent on poverty alleviation, the reduction of fees at the hospital, elimination of taxes on pensioners income or interest, easier access to funding at the AID Bank, regularization of squatters rights, land reform and the provision of housing under the housing revolution.
Point 2: Mr. Linton failed to mention that a couple of years ago, Caricom undertook a study of the cost of living in Caricom. This Caricom report showed that Dominica had THE SECOND LOWEST rate and rise of cost of living in the previous 10 years!!!! Also, within the last two weeks or so the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank released a report that showed that Dominica had the SECOND HIGHEST RATE of economic growth in the OECS in the last year!
Point 3: Dominica is one of the very few countries in the region which has implemented the Integrity in Public Office Legislation.
Yes. This is the kind of mis-information and half truth and distortion of truth that you and your kind survie on. Yes I IPO was enacted but after a hell of lot of pressure form especially us in the Diapora, it was supposed to be enacted retoactively to adsdress all the corruption that lead to the demand of it, Speak the truth Train, but I suppose your propensity for mis-representable overshadows your capability of speaking the truth, You have a Job I see to try to defend the indefensible, How much are you being paid for that and by whom? Your analysis of what was said in the conference in NY, Which I suppose was handed to you by a certain discredited leagl council is woth no more than the ticket you get in the line at the "RED CLINIC" If truth be told I would definately absolutely take the word of the Christian brothers, Dr. Fonatine, Linton, and all the people you people are trying to lynch before I listen to one word that is coming from the band of traitors! You all are gulity of traeson aganist Dominica. And Train we all know that you are just a little water carrier doing the bidding of the puppet master behind the curtain pulling your strings..
Boy I fex qui!! I was hoping to hear some nice commentary coming out of that conference, they put on a great show, got people all worked up, had people listening all over the D-I-A-S-P-O-R-A, and you mena to saw all we got out of this is pure venom. Garcon I vex qui!! Boy, even the day after the conference, I saying Dominican making progress. All that stop when I met the organizers on this site. Can you imagine their hatred and immaturity? That is not the way civilized people get on. Actually, that is not the way people who want you to be part of their group get on.
If I want to be part of a progressive group, I want to take example from my leaders, and "make other people jalou that they are not one of us". I want this group to be so dynamic, that OBAMA, Skerrit, Clinton, Bill Gates, Micahel Dell and others want to have a meeting with us. I want this group to affect change from within and outside. I want this group to moutway Domnichen couman pou work together and set aside party differences.
The only mature person I see here is the PM who wants to work together. Well that does not count because they do not want him to. But I think that the gesture was nice.
Anyway let's just move on. Hopefully you can use the same tittle from the conference and do it over again. Bon Chance
If I want to be part of a progressive group, I want to take example from my leaders, and "make other people jalou that they are not one of us". I want this group to be so dynamic, that OBAMA, Skerrit, Clinton, Bill Gates, Micahel Dell and others want to have a meeting with us. I want this group to affect change from within and outside. I want this group to moutway Domnichen couman pou work together and set aside party differences.
The only mature person I see here is the PM who wants to work together. Well that does not count because they do not want him to. But I think that the gesture was nice.
Anyway let's just move on. Hopefully you can use the same tittle from the conference and do it over again. Bon Chance
"There was no genuine attempt to invite the DLP to this coalition. Indeed, the declared purpose published in THE SUN was the removal of the DLP from Government. Further, Gabriel Christian knows the contact information for every senior member of the DLP, yet not a single invitation was sent. Emails are sent every day to the Prime Minister’s Gmail, but no invitation. Shirley Allen, known sympathizer to the UWP, asked Astaphan for a contact number for the DLP. He declined to reply but no invitation is extended to him. Alick Lawrence, Steve Sabin or others who are known friends of the Prime Minister and DLP, particularly Steve and Alick, who had been invited to and participated in the conference in NY to found the Roosevelt Douglas Foundation. "
My Dominican people, I beg you to read between the lines! This is more about not personally inviting Tony personally than it is about not inviting the Prime Minister. And to be quite honest we had no intentions of inviting Tony personally, but we hionestly wanted at least one representative of the labor party who happens to be the current Governemt.. Since then they have presented a list of all the labor sympathizers and operatives that they think we should have invited. Well then maybe we have also invited all the sympathizers and operatives of UWP. Freedom party, and Para's party why haven't they labor party agents/operatvives in chief suggested that? No they won't because they honestly wanted this copnference to be all about them, they wanted us to give a platform to reach the dispora like they have never done before. DBS is not enough for them.I suggest that they ask miss Dailey to organize one for them, and make Tony the feature speaker..
Again I ask how could we have addressed the current issues of concern affecting Dominica without making reference to what the done is doing or not doing. Tony this one is for you, maybe you can pass your answer to Train and let him post it, on your behalf while you stay behind the curtain. Again I this this opportunity to tell the whole that I am no sympathizer of UWP, but now I see them as the better option to what we have right now.
Shirley Allan
My Dominican people, I beg you to read between the lines! This is more about not personally inviting Tony personally than it is about not inviting the Prime Minister. And to be quite honest we had no intentions of inviting Tony personally, but we hionestly wanted at least one representative of the labor party who happens to be the current Governemt.. Since then they have presented a list of all the labor sympathizers and operatives that they think we should have invited. Well then maybe we have also invited all the sympathizers and operatives of UWP. Freedom party, and Para's party why haven't they labor party agents/operatvives in chief suggested that? No they won't because they honestly wanted this copnference to be all about them, they wanted us to give a platform to reach the dispora like they have never done before. DBS is not enough for them.I suggest that they ask miss Dailey to organize one for them, and make Tony the feature speaker..
Again I ask how could we have addressed the current issues of concern affecting Dominica without making reference to what the done is doing or not doing. Tony this one is for you, maybe you can pass your answer to Train and let him post it, on your behalf while you stay behind the curtain. Again I this this opportunity to tell the whole that I am no sympathizer of UWP, but now I see them as the better option to what we have right now.
Shirley Allan
Tony what? Nobody who has a brain listens to tony on politics. He has proved to be a real political kakador and abolor! Totally lost all credibility. He is DRUNK most of the time he speaks, especially on political matters. A leading regional jurist has hinted to me that they could be giving consideration to disrobing Tony (astaphan?) Development indeed under arch PM Skerrit: Agriculture (bananas and all) DOWN! UNemployment UP! Quality of Medical services DOWN! Quality of Tourism DOWN! BRIBERY and GRAFT UP! Lack of Transparency and CORRUPTION UP! BEGGING and MENDICANT behaviour UP! CRONYISM UP! Dominican Esteem DOWN! Now relationship with Doinicans overseas MUDDLED -LOW! Progress indeed. TRAIN HAS LOST IT.
Shirley, you are a major supporter of the UWP for these reasons:
1. The Prime Minister could have been contacted - you could have even visited the "red clinic" yourself and personally invited him or have one of your contacts in Dominica do just that, and pass on his information to you.
2. The Prime Minister could have been professionally invited to attend, in the manner that all the others were invited.
3. Most of the people on the panel were anti Skerrit people.
4. When the Prime Minister attempted to make contact with some of the organizers/panel people and personally send his letter of congratulations on your conference i.e. "we will all work together" appeal, he was automatically shut down by your herds. You the organizers were just so upset that he wants to be supportive of your initiative. Now tell me is this conference not politically driven by you and the rest of you UWP people and others.
1. The Prime Minister could have been contacted - you could have even visited the "red clinic" yourself and personally invited him or have one of your contacts in Dominica do just that, and pass on his information to you.
2. The Prime Minister could have been professionally invited to attend, in the manner that all the others were invited.
3. Most of the people on the panel were anti Skerrit people.
4. When the Prime Minister attempted to make contact with some of the organizers/panel people and personally send his letter of congratulations on your conference i.e. "we will all work together" appeal, he was automatically shut down by your herds. You the organizers were just so upset that he wants to be supportive of your initiative. Now tell me is this conference not politically driven by you and the rest of you UWP people and others.
Tony adviced Skerrit to send this letter, and you all mad at him. Boy look debah. Tony and Skerrit have more brains than you all. How comes you all did not prepare for this noh? All you just bouway, bouway after your conference. If your conference was so successful, why all you so bouway? Maybe there is more that we do not know.
The truth of the matter is that, why is that the today in 2009 the Diaspora are so saddened of the progress in Dominica and are dissatisfied with the current government`s performance or lack of, when five years earlier they supported the government? The answer is corruption, (passports, red clinic, evasion of tax - land transefer fees, questionable deeds, etc, Ambrose et etc etc).These guys , lke many Dominincans are principled.
Now , why is it that Peter St. Jean himself did not run for local elections in Laplaine? Peter used his poor 19 year old son as a guineea pig (poor fella) to test his waters, it is called child abuse. The poor boy did not wnat to run. Peter ran about Lapaline picking up old people to vote in a desperate mood. They know they are about to lose the election, because the do not have the Freedom vote anymore, they do not have the Diaspora vote and they do not have the youth vote. This government is a total failure.
Gabrielle Christian spoke for 12 minuites on Q - 95 to launch the New YOrk conference, it then took three government ( including the PM), one Ambassodor and one party boom boom fly on the console THREE (3) long hours to respond to Gabrielle. What does that tell you? Panic....panic....panic. what a waste of time, this government, theyare incompetent, worthless. They used this medium to tell off and attempt to discredit the organisers (Gabu, Sam, Fontaine, Shirley), it failed and now they are crying they were not invited and now sending letter of support-----hypocrites.
We need change in Dominica and it is coming. Dominicans be strong
Now , why is it that Peter St. Jean himself did not run for local elections in Laplaine? Peter used his poor 19 year old son as a guineea pig (poor fella) to test his waters, it is called child abuse. The poor boy did not wnat to run. Peter ran about Lapaline picking up old people to vote in a desperate mood. They know they are about to lose the election, because the do not have the Freedom vote anymore, they do not have the Diaspora vote and they do not have the youth vote. This government is a total failure.
Gabrielle Christian spoke for 12 minuites on Q - 95 to launch the New YOrk conference, it then took three government ( including the PM), one Ambassodor and one party boom boom fly on the console THREE (3) long hours to respond to Gabrielle. What does that tell you? Panic....panic....panic. what a waste of time, this government, theyare incompetent, worthless. They used this medium to tell off and attempt to discredit the organisers (Gabu, Sam, Fontaine, Shirley), it failed and now they are crying they were not invited and now sending letter of support-----hypocrites.
We need change in Dominica and it is coming. Dominicans be strong
Make the way...............Ready or not here we come!
We come for equality and justice for all!
We come for good governance!
We come to answer the call of duty.
We come for it is our maral oblication!
We come for the young boy and young girl can have a future!
We come to stop the prostitution of our BIRTHRIGHT
We come to teach our young people, to help the feeble, to encourage the mothers, and bring back the pride of heritage to the fathers.
We come as sons and daughters of this gem beyond compare.
We join our hearts, hands and voices, To restore hope to a people
We have heard the cry of our people, the blood of our forefathers are crying out to ENOUGH! Our mothers are lamenting over the fleecing of our natural resources and the handing of our Birthrights to strangers.
We heard your cry forefathers, we are in travail with you mothers, we feel your state of helplessness my young people and we stand united with you my people
.......So therefore here we come! All for each and each for all!
We come for equality and justice for all!
We come for good governance!
We come to answer the call of duty.
We come for it is our maral oblication!
We come for the young boy and young girl can have a future!
We come to stop the prostitution of our BIRTHRIGHT
We come to teach our young people, to help the feeble, to encourage the mothers, and bring back the pride of heritage to the fathers.
We come as sons and daughters of this gem beyond compare.
We join our hearts, hands and voices, To restore hope to a people
We have heard the cry of our people, the blood of our forefathers are crying out to ENOUGH! Our mothers are lamenting over the fleecing of our natural resources and the handing of our Birthrights to strangers.
We heard your cry forefathers, we are in travail with you mothers, we feel your state of helplessness my young people and we stand united with you my people
.......So therefore here we come! All for each and each for all!
Where are the credible organizers? Why is it that they are silent and letting Shirley speak on their behalf. Don't they understand that they are doing more wrong than right? Shirley is undermining the seriousness and maturity of this conference and she should not have been assigned as the spokes person. She has diarrhea of the mouth. Someone please put a cork in it. She has single handedly done enough damage. How can people in the diaspora respect such an initiative with that type of idiocrasies.
Let us focus on the message and NOT the messenger........come here we go....the message is there is a cry and no one longer trusts this government, they have failed us big time. This is democracy in action. It was the same Diaspora who was out there last election hailng support for the PM and his guys. They were warned that this guys did not have what it takes to manaage Dominica, what we call good governance, transparency, accountability and trust.
They have all failed us, inside the government they know, ministers know that but they dare not talk.
Shirley is not the issue, the issue is someof us have stil not yet opened our eyes. WEveryone has there right to political affiliation, I respect that and even if Shirley announces hers, so what. The issue, regardsles of the political colour is when you fail you fail. The Red has failed, they have failed us and we hope whoever comes next will learn a lesson.
They have all failed us, inside the government they know, ministers know that but they dare not talk.
Shirley is not the issue, the issue is someof us have stil not yet opened our eyes. WEveryone has there right to political affiliation, I respect that and even if Shirley announces hers, so what. The issue, regardsles of the political colour is when you fail you fail. The Red has failed, they have failed us and we hope whoever comes next will learn a lesson.
Please take note that when Shirley speaks, she speaks for herself. Shirley as independent as they come. I am no spokeman for the group. Shirley has been speaking LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before this conference. She has never stopped and continue even if she is/was not part of conference. She has been voicing her conerns and her opinion since when Dominicans in the diaspora were given tickest and money to come to Dominica to vote in an election that they were not qualified to vote in as the constitution stipulated. and during the land scandal and other issues. So get off Shirley's back, this is one sista no cork in her mouth will shut her up, no matter who attempte to put the cork.. Capish!
Shirley Allan speaking for Shirley Allan--- PLEASE TAKE NOTE!
Shirley Allan speaking for Shirley Allan--- PLEASE TAKE NOTE!
Excellent - simply excellent. I love your point-by-point repudiation of the political agenda being propagated by Gabriel. I have said on a previous post that I did in fact go to that meeting - I got there late and stayed to the end - in all, I was there for about 90 minutes. In that time my suspicions were confirmed. I went suspecting that this was going to be nothing but a political hatchet job on PM Skerrit and the DLP, and lo and behold that's what it was. At the end I spoke to Gabriel and told him unequivocally that I was disappointed in him. I also said as much to Thompson and the lady who spoke - i don't recall her name. They took issue with my stand but I was not moved.
I have to say that there was only one idea I heard that I like - the ability of overseas Dominicans to participate in voting. I might be wrong about the prudence of that, but it's something I would entertain. However, from your rebuttal, it appears that Gabriel and his cabal are promoting direct involvement in parliament by the creation of additional seats to accommodate diasporans. This I will not agree to. I totally support the government's position on this - Dominicans overseas should not be allowed to sit in parliament. Unfortunately, I was not present when this idea was brought forth - had I been, I certainly would have had a contrarian comment on it. I guess that's the price you pay for going somewhere late - but I had an excuse - I didn't have the patience to listen to too much propaganda that day.
In any event, I wish this government well; PM Skerrit, you're doing a good job. If I could vote from NY, I'd vote this government in next elections. Tony, keep up the good work. Do not allow these folks to come and dictate what they want done or not - always work for the better interests of Dominica, and in particular, Dominicans at home, because they are the ones on the ground doing the work, not us overseas. We should contribute, I would say its an obligation to contribute to the development of the country no matter where one is, but the focus should always be on Dominicans at home
I have to say that there was only one idea I heard that I like - the ability of overseas Dominicans to participate in voting. I might be wrong about the prudence of that, but it's something I would entertain. However, from your rebuttal, it appears that Gabriel and his cabal are promoting direct involvement in parliament by the creation of additional seats to accommodate diasporans. This I will not agree to. I totally support the government's position on this - Dominicans overseas should not be allowed to sit in parliament. Unfortunately, I was not present when this idea was brought forth - had I been, I certainly would have had a contrarian comment on it. I guess that's the price you pay for going somewhere late - but I had an excuse - I didn't have the patience to listen to too much propaganda that day.
In any event, I wish this government well; PM Skerrit, you're doing a good job. If I could vote from NY, I'd vote this government in next elections. Tony, keep up the good work. Do not allow these folks to come and dictate what they want done or not - always work for the better interests of Dominica, and in particular, Dominicans at home, because they are the ones on the ground doing the work, not us overseas. We should contribute, I would say its an obligation to contribute to the development of the country no matter where one is, but the focus should always be on Dominicans at home
Juju Casogorie! Jooooo-jooooo CASOGORIE! JOOOOOOOOOO-JOOOOOOOO CASOGORIE! Find your BRAIN, TRAIN. Teach, I think you have lost it under Skerrit's hat. Juju Casogorie. TRAIN HAS LOST HIS TRACKS!
You don't hear the message? Listen carefully, but first you MUST rid yourself of the cobwebs, and all the propaganda that Skeritt and Tony and the traitors to the Dominican people are fulling your head with. Mind all you don't get heart attacks when the bombshells really begin to burst! They will be equivalent to the shock and awe that decended upon Iraq. Time will tell brother or sister time will tell. The message was loud and clar in NY, and we heard it. BRAVO for the organizers!!!
The person who is posting as anonymous and keeps attacking is such a fool and little girl. Keep doing it, you have time to grow up and you will grow up under Skerrit, because you so and Shirley Allan and Gabu cannot, and I say cannot remove Skerrit there at all.
Someone once said that democracy is like a plant that needs to be nurtured. If we do not nurture our democracy it will fade away and the loss would be immeasurable. The way for us, Dominicans at home and abroad, to protect our democracy is not to cheer it, not to take it for granted, which we do a little too much. We ought to cherish it yes, but we must recognize and accept that were it is weak we must strive to strengthen it. We have to reform what needs to be reformed, which we do very little or nothing of.
My dear Dominican brothers and sisters, as another great mans someone said “while we depend on democracy for our freedom and well-being,” democracy depends on us, in our capacity and desire to be good citizens, faithful to our constitution, interested in inquiry about the strength of the pillars on which our democracy stands.
Our democracy depends on us for its survival and growth, we have to be patriotic to our country not only by raising its flag and singing our national anthem, but also by dissent when necessary, and, lastly but no less importantly, our democracy depends on what we value about and believe in our citizenship.
We must empower ourselves and each other so that we are able and willing to empower the next generation through the power of knowledge.
Shirley Allan
My dear Dominican brothers and sisters, as another great mans someone said “while we depend on democracy for our freedom and well-being,” democracy depends on us, in our capacity and desire to be good citizens, faithful to our constitution, interested in inquiry about the strength of the pillars on which our democracy stands.
Our democracy depends on us for its survival and growth, we have to be patriotic to our country not only by raising its flag and singing our national anthem, but also by dissent when necessary, and, lastly but no less importantly, our democracy depends on what we value about and believe in our citizenship.
We must empower ourselves and each other so that we are able and willing to empower the next generation through the power of knowledge.
Shirley Allan
You don't hear the message? Listen carefully, but first you MUST rid yourself of the cobwebs, and all the propaganda that Skeritt and Tony and the traitors to the Dominican people are fulling your head with. Mind all you don't get heart attacks when the bombshells really begin to burst! They will be equivalent to the shock and awe that decended upon Iraq. Time will tell brother or sister time will tell. The message was loud and clar in NY, and we heard it. BRAVO for the organizers!!!
No actually, I was not loud and clear. Please do not take any offense to my comments and I am just making a point. I was not in New York and do not live anywhere near New York, and expected to hear some very awesome ideas and proposals from the organizers, however, and I know that most posters on here will agree with me in saying that all I have been hearing is extreme negativity and lack of self control. It is just sad. We cannot expect our country to unit if we do not act grown-up and responsible, and accept each others differences.
No actually, I was not loud and clear. Please do not take any offense to my comments and I am just making a point. I was not in New York and do not live anywhere near New York, and expected to hear some very awesome ideas and proposals from the organizers, however, and I know that most posters on here will agree with me in saying that all I have been hearing is extreme negativity and lack of self control. It is just sad. We cannot expect our country to unit if we do not act grown-up and responsible, and accept each others differences.
Shirley, you are definitely not capable of being a messenger or a spokes person. I see you more as boomboom fly. You think that because Obama brought community organizing to the forefront, you are included. I have news for you, you are considered more of a divider, as you have demonstrated on here, and all you have skillfully done in your organizing attempts is to quote wise men and not give us your own voice. Let us hear what Shirley has to contribute to organizing, not the dead old men you have been referring to.
Well my dear, if you have come to that conclusion based on what the posters are posting, you are not very objective yourself, if I were you, I would make it my business to find out exactly what was said at the conference. Please exp;lain to the audience what you think is the lack of self control point it out! Do you really care about the ideas that came out of the conference? I think there was a call for all Dominican to join in the movement for a better Dominica, so don't mind the people who lack self control do your part and send in your suggestions to them, I think they will be glad to receieve it. Maybe you need to talk to the people invpolved to hear what they have to offer instead of judging them by what the partisan posters have to say about the event. Where is the negativity coming from may I ask you, please help me out and point it out to me because I don't see it coming from the organizers.
Again I say to you my sister or brother, any body who knows me knows for sure that I am not a boomboom fly to anyone, never was, never will be. I am one of the most independent thinking woman you will ever meet on earth, I do not run with any herd.. Yeah I love the quotes of the wise men who came before me. I am sure whatever you learned if you learnt anything at all came from many of those dead men who came before you. I make no apologies for that... OK. I am will again that I speak on my own behaklf, I am not speaking for any group, my record as an organizer is sound. I have nothing to prove to anyone of you who if you could see me would lynch me, but here is again old dead man that I will refer to. John Brown, I will die for what I beleive in. No mapius will stop me from speaking. I am not afraid. Brig on everything all of you have, I can take my blows. I see you guys got off the backs of Dr. Fontaine, Gabu, and sam and you hop opn mine.. Have a nice rid. My back is strong.
Obviously, the organizers are being represented on this bllog, if not all of them, but some of them. Frankly, I have not seen anything concrete or bipartisan that would peek my interest. I do not associate myself with any party, and do not want to be, however, from the spew that have been seeping on this blog, I can franly say that, I have seen nothing more than negativity and self control. The self control instances that I am referring to is the lack of unprofessionalism where one can be easily be distracted from presenting a brand that is in unison with what the anticipated expectation was. The brand could have been protected by specific word choices, and refrences, in a tone that is genuine even though the tone is one of dissatisfaction with what is presently going on in Dominica. I would have been far more interested in being a participant and an agent of whatever change is being infected, if the message was transfered in a more mature manner.
I do not want to go into details of how and what could have been done and said and what could have avoided as an "objective person", but I do think that you are smart enough to understand my point of view.
I do not want to go into details of how and what could have been done and said and what could have avoided as an "objective person", but I do think that you are smart enough to understand my point of view.
At least this person got it!!! Taken from Dominica news onlingfds ss
Hopeful on May 02, 2009 07:09:34 PM
MRS DOSTOEVSKY, I hope your threat are real and sound, we definitely need to do some unmasking where politics is concern in our land.The manipulation and abuse of our people must be confronted and stopped. There are some bullies that no one seems to have guts to confront. Our people go into their shells when these individuals start speaking. No one wants to face the wrath of their abusive and destructive tongues. This type of manipulation and control is exact what has restricted,suppressed,belittled, frustrate,and has driven many of our brilliant and talented minds from our shores, so that the chosen few can continue to reign without any serious challenge. The stage is being set by mr Tony and other crafty and deceptive men, for a one party state. Thats why there is so much hostility and rage towards anyone who dare speak badly or oppose the great one(like North Korea)). Our intellectuals are too easily intimidated, they are bright but cowards. I dont know who Mr Christian is but he has to be a powerful man to provoke such anger and hostility. Mr Tony only targets the most powerful,those who have a vision, a sense of call and purpose. If He can discredit and demoralize them, then His team wont have to face any meaningful opposition. Everyone seems to be operating in great fear(Lawyers,educaters,Doctors,priest,pastors,Police,you name it), am even afraid while writing this comment but am praying for freedom from fear
Hopeful on May 02, 2009 07:09:34 PM
MRS DOSTOEVSKY, I hope your threat are real and sound, we definitely need to do some unmasking where politics is concern in our land.The manipulation and abuse of our people must be confronted and stopped. There are some bullies that no one seems to have guts to confront. Our people go into their shells when these individuals start speaking. No one wants to face the wrath of their abusive and destructive tongues. This type of manipulation and control is exact what has restricted,suppressed,belittled, frustrate,and has driven many of our brilliant and talented minds from our shores, so that the chosen few can continue to reign without any serious challenge. The stage is being set by mr Tony and other crafty and deceptive men, for a one party state. Thats why there is so much hostility and rage towards anyone who dare speak badly or oppose the great one(like North Korea)). Our intellectuals are too easily intimidated, they are bright but cowards. I dont know who Mr Christian is but he has to be a powerful man to provoke such anger and hostility. Mr Tony only targets the most powerful,those who have a vision, a sense of call and purpose. If He can discredit and demoralize them, then His team wont have to face any meaningful opposition. Everyone seems to be operating in great fear(Lawyers,educaters,Doctors,priest,pastors,Police,you name it), am even afraid while writing this comment but am praying for freedom from fear
You are someone that I can definately dialouge with. I was one of the organizers, but here I speak for myself. I to do not represent any party although I am accused of being a UWP sympathizer which I am not. My dis-satisfaction with this Government began a long time ago and i have been speaking in every medium that I am able to find. I do not want to be the face of this organization, this is why I make it a point of duty to say that I am speaking for myeslf. By doing so I have subjected myself to unimaginable abuse and attacks, but I know that goes with the territory, so I don't mind that al all. I will not sit here and allow the distortions, and fabrications, and misperceptions, and unwarrented baseless accusations of others in the group to go unchallenged. That would suit the genda of the propagandists perfectly! I am sorry but that's where I am. Nobody sent me here to represent them, and I am not pretending that I am representing anyone. For those who are genuinely interested in the message, it is there for everyone to see. The conference is over, a declaretion came out of it, and we are now preparing to send our proposal to the Prime Minister as he requested, but I Shirley Allan will not allow the bastardization of what we attempted to do in New York. Call me what you want, and I do not really care. If that will take the heat off Gabu, Sam and Dr. Fontaine I am all for it... I have a large back, I will take the abuse while they work on getting things together, I know that if it is not me, it will be them, I will take it. I will conclude by saying that everyone is entitled to his own opinion including those who are attacking and abusing me. People's environment have a lot to do with the way they percieve things, and how they form their opinion of things.. I know that to.
Thanks for your clarification Shirley. I also do think that any proposal coming out of this conference should not reflect one voice. It should be a voice and anti government but should be for the people of Dominica. You all have to understand that some Dominicans leaving in Dominica may feel some resentment towards people in the Diaspora trying to dictate the way to run the country. The government has every right to review your policy, however, don't set any high expectation, as judging from the comments on here this proposal will lack the community building element that I expected, and it will lack the element of engaging every Dominican no matter what party you may be affiliated with. It may just be another peice of document that seeks to criticize and point fingers. I may be wrong. Please do not tell me that it cannot be done as I was born in Dominica a long time ago and recall times like coul main, when people would give a hand to help build infrastructures in villages, or help build a neighbour's home. This type of effort is what is needed to build Dominica. Now people have a fancy name for organizing people together, where the focus is not of the goverment but of the people and they call it grassroots. That type of initiative peaks my interest and I want to be involved If it is has a political agenda then, I will retrieve my support as I do not want to be associated with any party, and this can be done.
I do believe that if you want to empower everyone you will try to have a proposal that engages them especially with their skill set and area of interest including those in Dominica.
I do believe that if you want to empower everyone you will try to have a proposal that engages them especially with their skill set and area of interest including those in Dominica.
Well my dear! A am glad you said that!! So gald, and now I know that you actually did not listen to the conference as for the working with the community community we are right on top of that!!! I am glad you aprove of that, please see part of my presentation at the conference, and also a letter sent out to as many as we had their contact informatiom, It is also extended to you and all others who will eventually find out that the labels they have attached on us are indeed wrong!
Dear My Fellow Dominicans:
The purpose of this letter is to briefly introduce A Better Dominica organization. We would like to join hands and work together with you in the development of our beloved Dominica. We are working to build an advanced economy for our island based on sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. That way we preserve our fragile eco-system.
The Dominica International Conference in Bronx, New York on April 25, 2009 laid the foundation by which we can accomplish the work ahead of us. The conference generated thousands of phone calls and emails worldwide and provided information on the issues facing Dominicans at home and abroad.
A Better Dominica is committed to work in partnership with Dominicans at home and abroad creating youth development programs, building parks, creating employment, researching and teaching alternative energy, green building, and sustainable developments and promoting environmental protection and preservation of eco-systems. We shall also be working in collaboration with the village councils to improve the lives of the people and villages around the island. Progress in the development of our country can only be made possible by the generous support of people like you and me.
This year we are planning to have A better Dominica members on the ground working hand in hand with fellow Dominicans at home. We are asking you, today, to join hearts, hands, and voices as we move in unity to development and preserve our homeland.
Please visit our Website at
Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Shirley Allan at [email protected] or Joan Bellot at [email protected],
A Better Dominica thanks you for your time and generosity.
A Better Dominica
Empowering our Citizens through Civic Education and Participation
""Democracy needs to be reborn in every generation, and education is the midwife" (John Dewey)
Presented By Shirley Allan
Greetings to you all my Dominican folk at home and abroad!!! Special and heartfelt greetings to Dominicans in this room. First I must express how honored I feel sitting among these Dominican gems! I do recognize that there are many more gems in the homeland, and all over the world. I will continue to say that we Dominicans are unique in so many ways! The tide by binds us has brought us here again today. I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of this historic gathering, and to speak!
I speak as a product of La Plaine, the little poor, (Au Vent) but rich village with smart people. The jean Au vent that resisted the tax imposed upon Dominica by the British- It was in this poor, little village that the Tax riot of 1893 happened and became the catalyst of the withdrawal of the British from Dominica. I speak as one who identify with my Jean Au vent, one who will always remain grass roots to the core!
I speak as the great grand daughter of Serrant Allan, the mediator between the mob and priest, who then passed on the demands of the mob to the British soldiers/representatives.
I speak as the beneficiary of the Kudmen system which was developed in my little poor village of Laplaine. A system of survival where neighbors built each other’s houses, planted each others’ gardens, and tended to each others’ children.
The people of Laplaine, my roots formed a self-sufficient community based of pride, dignity, innovation, and hard work. It was necessary for them to do so, since they were cut of from everything, and they did! I am proud of this legacy!
From the time I was seven years old my Grand father Burton Allan related these stories of pride, self-sufficiency, courage, brutal work, heroism, and survival story to me over, over, and over again until his death in 1995. It is a part of me. It is from these lenses that I see my Dominican people. I refuse to see us as a dependent nation with their begging cups stretched out. I refuse to see my country handicapped and at the mercy of others.
But I have to admit that this lesson of self sufficiency that I learnt from my forefathers now seems to be getting lost and we have to revive the concept. Dominica has now become a nation of dependency? Sometime ago, I saw an article entitled RETHINKING DEPENDENCY THEORY: THE CASE OF DOMINICA, THE RASCAL STATE” written by Hubbell, Larry in the Spring 2008 Journal of Third World Studies suffice it say that I was not happy about what I read about my country.
One of the lines that disturbed me the most in this article is “Clearly, if any less developed country fits the definition of a dependent peripheral nation it is Dominica.” I invite you to go to;col1 to read for yourselves the full text of the disturbing image that Dominica portrays of itself. Just had to get this in. -
But what I came here to talk about today is “Empowering our Citizens through Civic Education and Participation.
Dear My Fellow Dominicans:
The purpose of this letter is to briefly introduce A Better Dominica organization. We would like to join hands and work together with you in the development of our beloved Dominica. We are working to build an advanced economy for our island based on sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. That way we preserve our fragile eco-system.
The Dominica International Conference in Bronx, New York on April 25, 2009 laid the foundation by which we can accomplish the work ahead of us. The conference generated thousands of phone calls and emails worldwide and provided information on the issues facing Dominicans at home and abroad.
A Better Dominica is committed to work in partnership with Dominicans at home and abroad creating youth development programs, building parks, creating employment, researching and teaching alternative energy, green building, and sustainable developments and promoting environmental protection and preservation of eco-systems. We shall also be working in collaboration with the village councils to improve the lives of the people and villages around the island. Progress in the development of our country can only be made possible by the generous support of people like you and me.
This year we are planning to have A better Dominica members on the ground working hand in hand with fellow Dominicans at home. We are asking you, today, to join hearts, hands, and voices as we move in unity to development and preserve our homeland.
Please visit our Website at
Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Shirley Allan at [email protected] or Joan Bellot at [email protected],
A Better Dominica thanks you for your time and generosity.
A Better Dominica
Empowering our Citizens through Civic Education and Participation
""Democracy needs to be reborn in every generation, and education is the midwife" (John Dewey)
Presented By Shirley Allan
Greetings to you all my Dominican folk at home and abroad!!! Special and heartfelt greetings to Dominicans in this room. First I must express how honored I feel sitting among these Dominican gems! I do recognize that there are many more gems in the homeland, and all over the world. I will continue to say that we Dominicans are unique in so many ways! The tide by binds us has brought us here again today. I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of this historic gathering, and to speak!
I speak as a product of La Plaine, the little poor, (Au Vent) but rich village with smart people. The jean Au vent that resisted the tax imposed upon Dominica by the British- It was in this poor, little village that the Tax riot of 1893 happened and became the catalyst of the withdrawal of the British from Dominica. I speak as one who identify with my Jean Au vent, one who will always remain grass roots to the core!
I speak as the great grand daughter of Serrant Allan, the mediator between the mob and priest, who then passed on the demands of the mob to the British soldiers/representatives.
I speak as the beneficiary of the Kudmen system which was developed in my little poor village of Laplaine. A system of survival where neighbors built each other’s houses, planted each others’ gardens, and tended to each others’ children.
The people of Laplaine, my roots formed a self-sufficient community based of pride, dignity, innovation, and hard work. It was necessary for them to do so, since they were cut of from everything, and they did! I am proud of this legacy!
From the time I was seven years old my Grand father Burton Allan related these stories of pride, self-sufficiency, courage, brutal work, heroism, and survival story to me over, over, and over again until his death in 1995. It is a part of me. It is from these lenses that I see my Dominican people. I refuse to see us as a dependent nation with their begging cups stretched out. I refuse to see my country handicapped and at the mercy of others.
But I have to admit that this lesson of self sufficiency that I learnt from my forefathers now seems to be getting lost and we have to revive the concept. Dominica has now become a nation of dependency? Sometime ago, I saw an article entitled RETHINKING DEPENDENCY THEORY: THE CASE OF DOMINICA, THE RASCAL STATE” written by Hubbell, Larry in the Spring 2008 Journal of Third World Studies suffice it say that I was not happy about what I read about my country.
One of the lines that disturbed me the most in this article is “Clearly, if any less developed country fits the definition of a dependent peripheral nation it is Dominica.” I invite you to go to;col1 to read for yourselves the full text of the disturbing image that Dominica portrays of itself. Just had to get this in. -
But what I came here to talk about today is “Empowering our Citizens through Civic Education and Participation.
I love what Shirlet and those other fools are doing...SOLIDIFYING SKERRIT AND THE DLP in DA....not in the DIASPORA
Shirley, keep up the god work, stay focus and not be disratcted. On another note yo know longer have to ustify the effort you made to invite all to the conference, let us move on with educated all those who need to be. Trust me , we will have Train and all passengers on board soon. Stay cool, focus, motivated and their steam will soon die off and they will see the vision ahead after the steam blocking their eyes for so long has faded away.God Bless
Shirley has placed her stamp of distaste and ghetto politics all over this thing. Someone needs to tell her to shut up. She is making everyone look like a fool. Thompson, please ask Shirley to be quiet because she has done more harm than good. Gabu is grabbing at straws so he wont say anything.
Shirley My Dear,
I am from the village Giraudel in Dominica. I have read all your comments. You have never recognised the level of development taking place in Dominica it this point in time under the leadership of Hon. Skerrit.
In my village Giraudel and Eggleston we never had Pipe Borne water. Ma LALA had to live for 100years to see that novelty of a flushing toilet.
Successive Governments including the UWP whom I supported very strongly always told us "Glo Paka Moute Morne". Well it had to take Skerrit and the DLP to show us that water can climb mountain.
Today we can flush our toilets like every one else. That is a significant improvement in our daily lives in Giraudel and Eggleston.
Me and my family of five has switched support to the DLP. Mr. Skerrit is working and our lives are better for it. The people of Giraudel and Eggleston Support the DLP all the way.
We will demonstrate that at the next election
Andrew Giraudel
Commonwealth of Dominica
I am from the village Giraudel in Dominica. I have read all your comments. You have never recognised the level of development taking place in Dominica it this point in time under the leadership of Hon. Skerrit.
In my village Giraudel and Eggleston we never had Pipe Borne water. Ma LALA had to live for 100years to see that novelty of a flushing toilet.
Successive Governments including the UWP whom I supported very strongly always told us "Glo Paka Moute Morne". Well it had to take Skerrit and the DLP to show us that water can climb mountain.
Today we can flush our toilets like every one else. That is a significant improvement in our daily lives in Giraudel and Eggleston.
Me and my family of five has switched support to the DLP. Mr. Skerrit is working and our lives are better for it. The people of Giraudel and Eggleston Support the DLP all the way.
We will demonstrate that at the next election
Andrew Giraudel
Commonwealth of Dominica
Andrew Giraudel, There is no SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT takin place in dominica today, let alone Giraudel. Our youths are not being emloyed, we do not have a vibrnat fisheries and agricultural economy to bring meaningful economic returns to Dominica. We are about to build another fisheries complex and yet we are now importing fish (packed) from Jamaica, and guess who is the business man doing it....shame ....shame....shame. and at the same time will not buy the fish from our own local people. Why not help convert our fishing hobby into a business where our young people can work and produce and make money for themselves. Our Youths are now in the prisons and the psychiatric unit, WHY????.Please wake up. Also the flower show in Giruadel should be a big business producing and selling flowers consistently overseas, why is this not happening, what have you all done for yourselvs, where is the intiative? Why in ten years we have not seen the opportnity in Giruadel, were you waitng only on pipe borne. WHO IS GONG TO PAY FOR THE WATER, WE THE TAX PAYERS FORM ALL OVER DOMINICA, BECAUSE YOUR POULATION IS TOO SMALL TO DO SO. Please wake up. The peoPle of Giruadel cannot afford to pay for the water investment in Giruadel ON THEIR OWN bcuase per household and to repay it your monthly bill combined to the villagers, is too small So now although happy for water, it will be a strain on the counry to pay back. Please think of how development and investment works. In other words, the water system has to be maintained and if it breaks down there wil be no money to pay for it, it is expensive and the water charges cannot be put up to do that, we need and should have had the flower business booming, that is what is menat by sustainability. In other words the water project, in 2009 should have been part of the bigger planning picture involving flower busineess, employment, education, transportation that Giruadel can now make its own money. Do you understand this? I am happy you now water, but please, look at the bigger picture and te current costs to you, Giraudel people and we the tax payers to have topay to maintain it andother water systems around the island, We are all in this thing together. God Bless
My My My Dominican people, I look at what Shirley is sayng and the barrage that is decending upon her and I am saying to myself, are they reading what I am reading? If I know Shirley she does not need me and anybody else to defend her. but my God people? There is nothing that she is saying here that warrants these kinds of vile comments. What are you people calling gutter politics. Shirley is absolutely right Many of us need to be educated in Dominica, we are the ones looking the fools with these kinds of comments. Shirley is her own woman, Dr. Fomtaine cannot shut her up. Those who are making these comments really do not know Shirley. But I see she has the ability of unleashing every demon inside them.
For the person who said this "Shirley has placed her stamp of distaste and ghetto politics all over this thing. Someone needs to tell her to shut up. She is making everyone look like a fool. Thompson, please ask Shirley to be quiet because she has done more harm than good. Gabu is grabbing at straws so he wont say anything." What Shirley has said here is the Lord's prayer compared to what has been said to her, about her, and not to the the dirty party politics that you people run in Dominica.. When I read what Shirley says and the read the vemon that is spewed on her.. I know who the fools are and in my mind, it is not Shirley. It is the ignoramuses on this borad. Shirley is 1000 times smarter than all of you put together.. Keep on doing what you doing Shirley, I can tell you are getting the stoogies as mad as hell.
For the person who said this "Shirley has placed her stamp of distaste and ghetto politics all over this thing. Someone needs to tell her to shut up. She is making everyone look like a fool. Thompson, please ask Shirley to be quiet because she has done more harm than good. Gabu is grabbing at straws so he wont say anything." What Shirley has said here is the Lord's prayer compared to what has been said to her, about her, and not to the the dirty party politics that you people run in Dominica.. When I read what Shirley says and the read the vemon that is spewed on her.. I know who the fools are and in my mind, it is not Shirley. It is the ignoramuses on this borad. Shirley is 1000 times smarter than all of you put together.. Keep on doing what you doing Shirley, I can tell you are getting the stoogies as mad as hell.
hahahah, all you my Dominican brothers and sisters making me laugh, just because Shirley does not have a PHD like Doctor Fontaine she has no say? is that it? Then why are you here without even a high school diploma? Very funny? I like the way you guys scream your idiocy at the top of your lungs.. ALL CAPS! makes Shirley look like an angel! I am sure she is having a jolly good laugh. especially at this! Train the mental hospital in Dominica cannot accomodate too many people, so chill out, it seems like Shirley where she is in America there will make a lot of people go mad. One more scream Trian. again! Louder, louder! Your vein tete will burst!
I Love what Shirlet and those other fools are doing...SOLIDIFYING SKERRIT AND THE DLP in DA....not in the DIASPORA
I Love what Shirlet and those other fools are doing...SOLIDIFYING SKERRIT AND THE DLP in DA....not in the DIASPORA
Why is it that Shirley is the only one signing her name. I know everyone on the UNITY board is responding. People, please "Man Up" and say who you are. Gabu, Sam and Thompsom are you guys contributing to any of these blogs? I do not see your names on there. Just wondering ...
I am a blu Blood Dominican, and I must say that Shirley is a courageous woman to expose herself to such abuse, not many people would want to do that. So don't blame the rest of the organizers. Did you read what Shirley has to endure from the Skeritt stoogies? I agree with the others who would not want to go through this kind of abuse. They would be accused of not being "PROFESSIONAL" if they did that. Shirley is taking the abuse for all of them. Boy I tell you Dominican not easy! But I am one to. A blue blood Dominican.
I am a blu Blood Dominican, and I must say that Shirley is a courageous woman to expose herself to such abuse, not many people would want to do that. So don't blame the rest of the organizers. Did you read what Shirley has to endure from the Skeritt stoogies? I agree with the others who would not want to go through this kind of abuse. They would be accused of not being "PROFESSIONAL" if they did that. Shirley is taking the abuse for all of them. Boy I tell you Dominican not easy! But I am one to. A blue blood Dominican....
Hahaha! very funny! Very, very, very funny, you stoogies have not disappointed anyone, you are doing exactly what is expected of you.. Surpise us nuh. Say something intelligent and sensible for once, just once.. Could you do that for us please? Afer all we are all Dominicans, and we would like to lifet all our people from the gutter. Do you want to stay in the gutter all your life? Please say no!
So the uwp is now stoogies...I am so happy that someone else is point out Shirely Allan as a stooge.
I have read and listened to all, who are all Loyal Dominicans and love their country to the bone. Despite the differnces I have read I certainly cannot and have not attempted to put a face to the many responses. I value all contributions, although I have not agreed with some and certainly do not understand the text of some, but I urge us all to stay focus, be objective, stay away from all personal attacks, the objetcive here is not to put down anyone. It is unfair to begiin a personal attack in Shirley, please stop it. Our country is in need of serious politicians, trusted and quality servants at the helm of its leadership, also direction, vision and we all are respsonsible for this. Therefore, if you disagree with someone and begin to go the personal route you are begining to say that you have lost the arguement and you are not focus. We need you all, please stay there. We need you all
I have read and listened to all, who are all Loyal Dominicans and love their country to the bone. Despite the differnces I have read I certainly cannot and have not attempted to put a face to the many responses. I value all contributions, although I have not agreed with some and certainly do not understand the text of some, but I urge us all to stay focus, be objective, stay away from all personal attacks, the objetcive here is not to put down anyone. It is unfair to begiin a personal attack in Shirley, please stop it. Our country is in need of serious politicians, trusted and quality servants at the helm of its leadership, also direction, vision and we all are respsonsible for this. Therefore, if you disagree with someone and begin to go the personal route you are begining to say that you have lost the arguement and you are not focus. We need you all, please stay there. We need you all
# posted by Anonymous : May 5, 2009 1:28 PM
BTW, how do expect to put a face to the many responses...what do you mean? You want to know who is saying what.
# posted by Anonymous : May 5, 2009 1:28 PM
BTW, how do expect to put a face to the many responses...what do you mean? You want to know who is saying what.
My dear Dominican, the message is for all inculding yourself, just in case you were unable to read and understand the full text. The "face thing" means I am able to stay objective and focus on the message and not the messenger, and even if I knew the person ( that face) I would stay focus on the message. I do not have to call Shirley, do you need someone to call you and why?
Dominica`s sustainable develoment is under threat, delcining agriculture, declining employment, lack of investment, lack of vision, let us argue these things.
Dominica`s sustainable develoment is under threat, delcining agriculture, declining employment, lack of investment, lack of vision, let us argue these things.
Friends, this message was for all of us, directed to all of us. When I read you comment and that of everyone else I read the message and not work out first who the messenger is before I respond. In other words I respond to the content of the author and I am not influenenced by who you are or your associations. I urge you to do the same, raise the bar and be professional, after all at the end of the day , is Dominica we care about. We need sustainability development in Domininca uregently, Shirley is not in government, they are and we have to express our concern, stick to the issues, Dominica is in need of help and we have wasted time, we need to now move on, these guys in power now have failed us.
My mind is being totally blown away. I think I am dreaming, on another planet how did I become the issue? How? You know Some Dominicans like myself get together to find find some way in whaih to address the issues concerning our beloved Dominica, OH MY GOD! it is like we committed some kind of crime. I read what is being ssid here with sadness more than anything although I find some it it very amusing. I still have faith in my people that they will eventually understand what is going on here. I only wish it that it is not too late.. There was a time I used to write very beautiful things about my Dominica nd my Dominican people, they were posted all over on the and DAAS website. here is one of them that I wrote six years ago. I still feel that same way about my Dominica and my Dominican people despite everything. There is nothing no one can do to me or say to me or about me to make that love I have for my country and my people disappear.
by Shirley Allan 01-29-2003
There is a probability that trivializing our history and heritage may lead to misconceptions, disregard and lack of appreciation for what this history so profoundly says about us. History may become diluted over the decades and the centuries.
The remaining mythology never alters the tradition; and by celebrating our traditions, we perpetuate our rich and noble heritage. We will never know where we are going or whom we are if we do not know and celebrate where we came from. The time comes when rigorous questioning and deep self-examination is necessary. Now is such a time.
What better way to engage in this exercise but to see ourselves through the prism of our history, how we got to this point as a nation, and what lessons we learned from our ancestors. Perhaps light can be shed by this quote from The memoirs of James Ayton.
He had this to say when describing the slaves who were brought to the island in his capacity a private of the 30th Cambridgeshire Regiment. "Some of our wiseacres suppose the negroes are ignorant, they are so in respect of religion, but they are shrewd and acute and are capable of conducting themselves as well, if not better than a great many white slaves in the British Isles."
It is also well documented that Caribs, our natives that Columbus met on the Island put up fierce resistence to protect our land from the colonists. They endured and kept the colonial powers away from Dominica longer than any of their neighbors, and for that they, were labeled as cannibals.
However, by 1591, Spanish, Africans, and natives lived in a pluralistic setting. For twenty years, the Caribs resisted the power of both the English and the French and kept control of their land until 1700.
Few survived the massacres and illnesses diminishing the numbers from 5000 in 1647 to 400 in 1730. Those who survived exemplified the spirit of true and positive citizenship and protector of the land.
The Caribs along with the Negroes endured the evils of occupation, colonization, slavery and exploitation for centuries. Through wars both between and against the Europeans along with daunting odds, they survived together as a united force.
Dominica eventually remained in the hands of the natives and the slaves that were brought there to enrich the colonists. We are descendants of these brave warriors, these shrewd and acute Negroes who were capable of conducting themselves in a noteworthy and distinguished manner.
How do we embrace this opulent heritage, this powerful, rich legacy? First, we must identify with it; we must cherish it, feel it and most importantly keep it alive.
Dominican writers and historians such as Phyllis Shand Allfrey, Jean Ryhs, Lennox Honeychurch, Gabriel Christian, Irving Andre and all other Dominican historians must be commended for their efforts in capturing and preserving our history in their books.
I hope that one day someone will take it a step further in publishing illustrated children’s’ Dominica history books. Collectively we have great ideas and a wide range of expertise for implementing those ideas. We can conceive them, therefore we can achieve them by believing we can.
While we may sometimes disagree with others’ views or beliefs, it is our tradition that we put our disagreements on the side and work together for the good of Dominica. If there is any doubt that we cannot accomplish this goal, let us look back at our history for a while.
If there is any doubt that, we should not, let us look forward to the future for the sake of the next generation and others to come after them. The onus is now on us to preserve our rich legacy of sustenance through unity, resistance, struggle, endurance and astuteness.
In order to continue on this positive path, we must acknowledge our failures and weakness, and make a concerted effort to improve where we fall short as well as capitalize on our strengths.
We are quickly approaching the 25th year of our independence (11/03/2003). An appropriate time to reflect on where we came from and evaluate where we are. It is also an opportune time to make worthwhile, tangible contributions.
Dominican living abroad could make community service day 2003 a milestone in our history if we get together and organize to make this happen by identifying projects, raising the funds and providing the labor on that day.
There is a lot of work to be done. Dominica is still our homeland. Let us all put our hands to the wheels.
Our country has been and is now going through some tough times. We have seen the ravages of hurricanes, the instability of political conflicts, and the decline in our economy. We have seen the results of both unity and division, but never were we doubtful that our country could and would survive those turbulent times.
It has been proven repeatedly that united the results are always more fruitful and positive than when we are divided which fortunately has been very seldom. If there is a time that calls for unity, contribution, pride and belief in our country and ourselves it is this very moment.
Let our actions speak louder than our words, and let us all understand that we not only share a responsibility to teach and share our history, but by our very deeds, to make history anew, by what we accomplish together in this anniversary year.
by Shirley Allan 01-29-2003
There is a probability that trivializing our history and heritage may lead to misconceptions, disregard and lack of appreciation for what this history so profoundly says about us. History may become diluted over the decades and the centuries.
The remaining mythology never alters the tradition; and by celebrating our traditions, we perpetuate our rich and noble heritage. We will never know where we are going or whom we are if we do not know and celebrate where we came from. The time comes when rigorous questioning and deep self-examination is necessary. Now is such a time.
What better way to engage in this exercise but to see ourselves through the prism of our history, how we got to this point as a nation, and what lessons we learned from our ancestors. Perhaps light can be shed by this quote from The memoirs of James Ayton.
He had this to say when describing the slaves who were brought to the island in his capacity a private of the 30th Cambridgeshire Regiment. "Some of our wiseacres suppose the negroes are ignorant, they are so in respect of religion, but they are shrewd and acute and are capable of conducting themselves as well, if not better than a great many white slaves in the British Isles."
It is also well documented that Caribs, our natives that Columbus met on the Island put up fierce resistence to protect our land from the colonists. They endured and kept the colonial powers away from Dominica longer than any of their neighbors, and for that they, were labeled as cannibals.
However, by 1591, Spanish, Africans, and natives lived in a pluralistic setting. For twenty years, the Caribs resisted the power of both the English and the French and kept control of their land until 1700.
Few survived the massacres and illnesses diminishing the numbers from 5000 in 1647 to 400 in 1730. Those who survived exemplified the spirit of true and positive citizenship and protector of the land.
The Caribs along with the Negroes endured the evils of occupation, colonization, slavery and exploitation for centuries. Through wars both between and against the Europeans along with daunting odds, they survived together as a united force.
Dominica eventually remained in the hands of the natives and the slaves that were brought there to enrich the colonists. We are descendants of these brave warriors, these shrewd and acute Negroes who were capable of conducting themselves in a noteworthy and distinguished manner.
How do we embrace this opulent heritage, this powerful, rich legacy? First, we must identify with it; we must cherish it, feel it and most importantly keep it alive.
Dominican writers and historians such as Phyllis Shand Allfrey, Jean Ryhs, Lennox Honeychurch, Gabriel Christian, Irving Andre and all other Dominican historians must be commended for their efforts in capturing and preserving our history in their books.
I hope that one day someone will take it a step further in publishing illustrated children’s’ Dominica history books. Collectively we have great ideas and a wide range of expertise for implementing those ideas. We can conceive them, therefore we can achieve them by believing we can.
While we may sometimes disagree with others’ views or beliefs, it is our tradition that we put our disagreements on the side and work together for the good of Dominica. If there is any doubt that we cannot accomplish this goal, let us look back at our history for a while.
If there is any doubt that, we should not, let us look forward to the future for the sake of the next generation and others to come after them. The onus is now on us to preserve our rich legacy of sustenance through unity, resistance, struggle, endurance and astuteness.
In order to continue on this positive path, we must acknowledge our failures and weakness, and make a concerted effort to improve where we fall short as well as capitalize on our strengths.
We are quickly approaching the 25th year of our independence (11/03/2003). An appropriate time to reflect on where we came from and evaluate where we are. It is also an opportune time to make worthwhile, tangible contributions.
Dominican living abroad could make community service day 2003 a milestone in our history if we get together and organize to make this happen by identifying projects, raising the funds and providing the labor on that day.
There is a lot of work to be done. Dominica is still our homeland. Let us all put our hands to the wheels.
Our country has been and is now going through some tough times. We have seen the ravages of hurricanes, the instability of political conflicts, and the decline in our economy. We have seen the results of both unity and division, but never were we doubtful that our country could and would survive those turbulent times.
It has been proven repeatedly that united the results are always more fruitful and positive than when we are divided which fortunately has been very seldom. If there is a time that calls for unity, contribution, pride and belief in our country and ourselves it is this very moment.
Let our actions speak louder than our words, and let us all understand that we not only share a responsibility to teach and share our history, but by our very deeds, to make history anew, by what we accomplish together in this anniversary year.
Can someone give some straight talk here. Is the Unity group endorsing the UWP? It's clear that they want Labour out but fall short of endorsing the UWP. If they are, how do they justify the corrupt dealings of that took place in the past UWP administration? That includes Mr. Green's silence on the corruption that took place. Gabriel, Shirley and others can you please address this and stop avoiding this question. PLEASE give us an answer and let us know where you stand.
Confused the source of your confusion is obviously your party politics mentality.. You just cannot accept the notion that anyone would dare criticize YOUR party for ill serving the people of Dominica which they are doing. UWP was accused of corruption, but no evidence of corruption has been provided. The corruption that the UWP was accused of is a joke compared to The corruption that is now prevalent in the Dominica Goverment. You are turning a blind eye to the corruption that is so eveident in the those of those who want to be objective and trying to focus on the alleged corruption f the UWP. This is treasonous! Don't worry the people of Dominica will eventually fingure out what is happening, they always do even in this case it is taking too long, but with people like you doing what you do, I understand why it is so. PS could you please tell us then if you are so concerned by the corruption of the UWP why the so called architect of the UWP alleged corruption Julius Timothy is in the labor party Government? Obvioulsy they needed an architect. What is now happening in the dark will definately come out in the light, 99 years for the thief, one day for the police! When that deck of cards begin to tumble down, and I know it will in time, it will make Charles Taylor and all the other African despots look like Jesus Christ. Time will tell.
Thanks for the clarification! If you feel comfortable replacing corruption with corruption then so be it. You are diminishing the UWP corruption by comparing it with the Labour Party corruption. Please do not turn a blind eye on what the UWP did because you seem to be contradicting yourself when you talk about clean and transparent government. I do not support any wrong doing by any party but it seems strange to want to support a party with a track record of corruption. I think you are missing the point of your message for clean and transparent government. The UWP has failed at that and you know that. Don't give me this nonsense about the UWP being accused of corruption without evidence. You know as well as I and thousands of other Dominicans what happened so be truthful with the people and stop playing politics. I agree with you in regard to Mr. Timothy but he was not alone! You would have been more convincing if you had formed your own political party but again I guess giving up your US citizenship would be too much of a risk. Come clean with us. We need the full truth. You politicians are all the same. It's all about the power. God knows what's in your hearts.
Well It is quite relieving to note that we agree on one thing. If we continue this dialouge we may find that we agree on many other things, so please let's continue. You are doing so much much better than nthe rest! It would surprise you to know that I am not supporting ANY political party in Dominica. I don't expect to convince you on that because it seems that you have psyched yourself to beleive that I do even without knowing who I am and what I stand for, tha's fine, it your paerrogative, but this is my honest postion. Now tell me honetly. how do you propose we deal with the unsurpassed level of corruption in Dominica's history that we are CURRENTLY dealing with? Should we allow the present Goverment to stay in power and continue along the same track? Who do you think has the integrity to replace them? Do you beleive that there is anyone who has not be tainted by corruption or allegations of corruption in Dominican politics? if there are who are they according to your assessment? Who was allegedly involved in the corruption with Mr. Timothy and why is MR. Timothy a part of this Goverment if he was that corrputed in the UWP? Could you show me some evidence of UWP's corruption? I would really like to see some. Just like you I sencerely beleive that politicans are 6 in one and half a dozen in the other, so this is one maore thing we have in common, but Dominica like all other countries has to be run by politicians sadly enough. We all want solutions, what do you suggest? Please tell us.
The issue is not really who will replace who. In 1979 the then Labour party was kicked out, we know the history. Today under new leadership they are back, with the help of the Freedom Paty, ironic eh. It therefore means that years have passed and we move on and we remain to be Dominicans. The UWP was acussed of coruption, I personally feel it was overplayed and the current labout party know so, they said so in private and a lawyor was paid handsomely to begin the process of investigation, he got paid and nothing was produced. This current leader and leadeship are bold and make corruption seem like a sunday matinee at Carib cinema. What about the David Hsu issue, and the deliberate tax evasion of $90,000.00, etc etc...and hear this, all learned lawyers came to PM rescue to say it was an honest mistake. You see why poor people cry out for justice and they are ones who cannot afford to pay lawyer and end up in jail. The ordinary man would have been sent to jail. I tell you these good citizens in high office are the architects of economic slavery in Dominica. So therefore who will replace them? Well we have to trust the opposition and others who wish to stand up and promote good governance. So it is bigger than Sam, Gaby and Shirley, and if it comes to UWP, Freedom or coalition, then we the people must stand up to ensure accountability, respect and good governance, and we now have to vote this current government OUT. I trust and hope you understand.
This is really interesting take on the concept. I never thought of it that way. I came across this site recently which I think will be of great use . Have a look!
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